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сталкиваться с трудностямиstresses
gen. encounter difficulties (Anglophile); be up against difficulties; be up against problems; enter difficulties (Ремедиос_П); face difficulties; have difficulty (Rori); be rife with problems (Ivan Pisarev); be associated with problems (Ivan Pisarev); be accompanied by problems (Ivan Pisarev); be subject host of problems (Ivan Pisarev); face challenges (Ivan Pisarev); face problems (Ivan Pisarev); encounter problems (Ivan Pisarev); be rife with issues (Ivan Pisarev); be associated with issues (Ivan Pisarev); be accompanied by issues (Ivan Pisarev); be subject host of issues (Ivan Pisarev); face some issues (Ivan Pisarev); face issues (Ivan Pisarev); encounter issues (Ivan Pisarev); run into issues (Ivan Pisarev); be rife with challenges (Ivan Pisarev); be associated with challenges (Ivan Pisarev); be accompanied by challenges (Ivan Pisarev); be subject host of challenges (Ivan Pisarev); face some challenges (Ivan Pisarev); encounter challenges (Ivan Pisarev); run into challenges (Ivan Pisarev)
cliche. face challenges (Electricity has been restored to a neighbourhood in Vancouver after an eagle collided with the power line Monday morning. BC Hydro confirmed that it happened in the Kitsilano area just after 8 am and resulted in a power outage for about 1,600 customers. “…We sometimes face challenges with wildlife and birds coming into contact with our power lines, and wherever possible we try to prevent it,” a spokesperson for BC Hydro told Daily Hive. “I can tell you it’s rare for an eagle to make contact with our infrastructure.” dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov. run into difficulties; face the challenge
math. run into problems; be faced with difficulties; run into difficulties with
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Игорь Миг is fraught with difficulties; is fraught with practical difficulties
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scient. come up against the difficulty (что: we come up against the difficulty that we have no certain knowledge of how life originated on the earth)
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: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Mass media1