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ссора nstresses
gen. variance; bad blood; blow-up; contention; jar; squabble; muss; broil; controversy; difference; disagreement; rumpus; scrimmage; scrummage; tilt; unpleasantness; upset; logic-chopping; splore; barney; beef; embroilment; strife; fracas; wrangle; a quarrel with (someone – с кем-либо); bustup; disgust; embroglio; imbroglio; quarreller; stoush (AnnaB); falling out; logic chopping; falling-out (Although they're both very competitive, Chris and Brad have never had a serious falling-out. • Mr Johnson backed Mr Galt in his bid for Moggill, but party sources said last night the two had a falling-out just about two months ago. Alexander Demidov); showdown in regulations; quarrel; row; ruffle; scrap; scrum; tangle; jarring; word; blow out; kick up; run-in; fight (перепалка: My boyfriend turned off his phone after a text fight. 4uzhoj); falling-out (He had a falling-out with his parents over money vogeler); brangle; brawl; brawling; contestation; counter scuffle; disagreeing; division; dudgeon; feod; feud; miff; odds; orts; scuffle; set-to; trouble; war; big words; wrangling; quarrel about (sth, из-за чего-л.); quarrel over (sth., из-за чего-л.); crack; bickering; fray; ruction; flareup (That flare-up started when Anthony Morrow, who was sitting on the bench, refused to give the ball to Salah Mejri after the Thunder threw it out of bounds. Dallas guard J.J. Barea confronted Morrow, a former Maverick who then shoved Barea. VLZ_58); quarreling (Andrey Truhachev)
amer. dustup (с дракой; an angry dispute quarrel followed by fight Val_Ships); spat (из-за пустяков или по мелочам; This was a spat, not a serious fight. Val_Ships); dust-up (a quarrel: He had a dustup with a guy in the bar. Val_Ships); food fighting (Alex_Odeychuk)
amer., obs. blow-out
austral., inf. grouse
austral., slang blue; shindig
book. altercation
brit. ding-dong (ssn)
dipl., inf. tiff
fig. fraction
fr. demкlй
fr., Makarov. demele
hockey. discussion
idiom. fallout with (They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other. Interex)
inf. breeze; ructions; run-in; pique; scrape; tig; blowup (grafleonov); bust-up (a serious quarrel or fight – chiefly Brit. a bad quarrel, especially one that finishes a relationship: he has had a bust-up with his manager | the bust-up of my marriage.n a fight or brawl: a touchline bust-up. NOED. The $5bn legal battle between Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich has offered Russians a fascinating peek into the opulent lifestyles of the mega-rich. Luxury cruises in the Caribbean, mansions in France, deals at the Dorchester, Chechen gangsters, and billions funnelled through opaque offshore companies – all have been uncovered in what is the UK's biggest private litigation bust-up. TG Alexander Demidov); kick-up; snarl; up-and-a-downer (VLZ_58)
inf., n.amer. blowout (An outburst of anger or an argument: ‘that exchange led to a big blowout five years ago' Bullfinch)
inf., uncom. fallout (от falling out Alexander Demidov)
jarg. hassle
lat. discordia (Lena Nolte)
media. showdown in relations (bigmaxus)
obs. brabble; jangle; garboil; debate; bate; brangling; brigue; contension; debatement; digladiation; feodal; feodality; flaw; square; tift
polit. tiff over (something bigmaxus)
psychol. argument; dispute
slang shemozzle; blow-off blowoff; brannigan; niff; shlemozzle; bull (Had a right bull with my misses last night. Interex); Argie-bargie (krolikova)
vernac. jaw
vulg. ass-kicking; hell's delight; fisticuffs
ссоры n
gen. quarrelling; tracasseries; quarreling; fighting (Fructo); squabbling
vulg. farting shot (игра слов на parting shot)
: 479 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Bookish / literary1
British usage, not spelling1
Computing slang1
Criminal law1
Mass media20
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Obsolete / dated3
Scottish usage1
Uncommon / rare1