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obs. kill
gen. fight; contend; play; take on; try conclusions with; combat
fig. play a game of
| как
gen. how now
| громом
gen. thunder

verb | verb | to phrases
сразить vstresses
gen. smite; overtake; drop (ударом, пулей); strike; cut down; strike down; vanquish (Mermaiden); overwhelm; defeat (DrHesperus)
book. slay (slain by a bullet – сражённый пулей)
fig. of news stagger; lay low (Vadim Rouminsky); shake; stagger; stun
Gruzovik, fig. conquer (pf of сражать); stagger; stun (pf of сражать); shake (pf of сражать)
Gruzovik, obs. kill (pf of сражать); of illness smite (pf of сражать)
idiom. hit like a ton of bricks (z484z)
inf. floor
inf., fig.of.sp. slay (informal : to do something or perform exceptionally well or impressively : to be exceptionally impressive: Beyoncé did not come to this year's Grammy Awards just to slay, she came to make a statement. • From the red carpet to her sure-to-be epic performance, one thing is for certain—she's gonna slay. merriam-webster.com 'More)
Makarov. fetch down; cut down (о болезни, смерти); cut off (о болезни, смерти); strike down (ударом)
Makarov., inf. curl up
obs. kill (of illness)
obs., fig. conquer
сразиться v
gen. fight (in battle); contend; play; take on (с кем-либо); try conclusions with (с кем-либо); combat; join battle (with); skirmish (with); battle; encounter (с неприятелем); skirmishing
Gruzovik combat (pf of сражаться); join battle with (pf of сражаться); skirmish with (pf of сражаться)
fig., inf. have a game (of)
Gruzovik, fig. play a game of (pf of сражаться); have a game of (pf of сражаться)
obs. scarmage; scarmoge
сразить: 66 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
Old-fashioned or obsolescent1