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verb | verb | to phrases
справиться vstresses
gen. consult (a book, dictionary, etc.); contrive; cope; dispatch; inquire (about); investigate; master; refer; reference; wrest down (с кем-либо, чем-либо); wrest out (с чем-либо); pull off; ride the whirlwind (с чем-либо); deliver (с делом); manage to achieve (tfennell); deal with (Yuriy83); get through (с чем-либо); make short work of (с чем-либо); pull through (с болезнью, трудностями); get by (NastyaG); ask after (о ком-либо linton); inquire about (someone); о ком-либо Liv Bliss); take in one's stride (Liv Bliss); deal (with); get better; get the better (of); recover; set up; despatch (с делом, работой); enquire (преим.); touch (с); find one's way around (син. manage Mon); face out (с чем-либо); get over (с чем-либо Александр_10); succeed (cognachennessy); get over the hump (VLZ_58); deal away with (Vadim Rouminsky); get up (for most people it is not something they can simply get up and do effectively (Business Benchmark Uppet-Int) Aslandado); look it up (kee46); handle (a task); get sth. over with (с чем-л.); have sth. behind (sb., с чем-л., о конкретном лице); make out across the water; take it (с этим); get something done (Andrey Truhachev); weather (to weather a crisis Taras); get on top of (Natalya Rovina); be able to manage on one's own (самому: Do you need a hand or can you manage on your own? • I can manage on my own, thank you. • Don't bother walking me, Nick, I can manage on my own. 4uzhoj); pull it off (с чем-либо r313); nail (Nailed this quiz? We have plenty more to try! VLZ_58); control (a child, horse, class, etc.)
Gruzovik deal with (pf of справляться); control (pf of справляться); ask about (pf of справляться); get the better of (pf of справляться); manage (pf of справляться)
Игорь Миг take a hit
amer. wax (с кем или чем-либо: we waxed the competition Val_Ships); get a handle on something (напр., со своими страхами Nuto4ka); wax (с кем или (чем-либо: we waxed the competition Val_Ships)
amer., Makarov. negotiate
cliche. get under control (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver); work one's way through sth. ("Don't worry about it. You can work your way through it."-- Ты сможешь с этим справиться. / Ты с этим справишься. ART Vancouver)
dial. get well; provide oneself (with)
dipl. copе (with – с)
Gruzovik, dial. get well (pf of справляться); recover (pf of справляться); get better (pf of справляться); provide oneself with (pf of справляться); set up (pf of справляться)
Gruzovik, inf. make ready for (pf of справляться); prepare oneself for a trip (pf of справляться)
Gruzovik, obs. collate with (pf of справляться); check with/against (pf of справляться)
idiom. turn the corner (Andrey Truhachev); have the better of something (с чем-либо Bobrovska)
inf. floor; do for; get to the curb (Tartaruga); make ready (for); prepare oneself (for a trip); get done with (с Andrey Truhachev); lick (He has licked every problem – Он справился со всеми проблемами VLZ_58); get something over with (с чем-либо); have something behind one (с чем-либо); do OK (sophistt); make it (You'll make it – Ты справишься. • "Carmen can help you upstairs." "I think I can make it on my own." Tamerlane)
Makarov. make inquiries; cope with; find the answer to something (с чем-либо); come off (с чем-либо); cut it (обыкн. с отрицанием); get a handle on something; get through
Makarov., inf. skate around (с трудностью); skate round (с трудностью)
math. ask (about); cope (with)
obs. check (with, against); collate (with)
obs., inf. put in order; repair; set right again; straighten
slang get something licked (с чем либо Chelemi); have something licked (с чем либо Chelemi)
справить v
gen. make; keep
cleric. celebrate
Gruzovik, obs. put in order (pf of справлять); set right again (pf of справлять); repair (pf of справлять); straighten (pf of справлять)
inf. celebrate (an occasion)
obs., inf. repair; set right again; straighten
справься v
gen. quaere; take it (с этим)
справившись v
gen. struggling with (LucyYastrebova)
: 548 phrases in 37 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention3
Explanatory translation2
Figure of speech3
Ice hockey1
Intelligence and security services1
Mass media3
Mechanic engineering1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Security systems1
Vernacular language1