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verb | verb | to phrases
спеши́ть vstresses
торопиться; поспешить
gen. hurry; be in a hurry; hurry up; be pressed for time; trot; press on; bucket; dispatch; lick; pelt; scurry; scuttle; spur (to press forward; to travel in great haste); haste; look alive; be quick; buck up; make haste; busk; bustle; push forward; make the best of one's way; be in haste; be slippy; look slippy; make the best of way; speed oneself; buck up imp; bustle about; bustle up; spur on; put a spirt on; put a spurt on; rush (Notburga); jump the line (bigmaxus); step out; rush off (olea96e); come along; go on; post; speed; buck; scramble (The friend scrambled after them – Друг поспешил вслед за ними PanKotskiy); push on (вперёд); be quick (We need to be quick – Надо спешить); get a move on (with); get a move on (with); fleet; skip; skelter
amer., slang wingding
austral., slang get a wriggle on; make it snappy; rattle your dags; shake a leg; zip
book. festinate (Как тут не вспомнишь известное латинское выражение "festina lente"! VLZ_58)
idiom. be pushed for time (Баян)
inf. scurry (с чем-либо); beat the rush (Rust71); nip along; rush it (chiefcanelo); be in a rush (4uzhoj); bust a move (You'd better bust a move! You are late. Valery Popyonov); press
Makarov. swiften; get a jerk on (с чем-либо); be in a hurry (не иметь достаточно времени, чтобы сделать что-либо); bustle around; hurry into (с чем-либо); hurry-scurry; hurry up; make time; post off; push on; spur forward
Makarov., idiom., inf., amer. get a wiggle on
Makarov., inf. press forward; rattle one's dags; shove on
Makarov., rude go for one's quoit
math. be in hurry
nautic. crowd
obs. despatch
poetic hie
scottish whirry
slang step on the gas; fog; get the lead out; hotfoot (it); hump; hustle; knock it; knock it off; pony; shake it up; show a leg; snap it up; step on it; get a hump on; get a hustle on (работать, двигаться или делать что-либо быстрее обычного, с большой готовностью); hot foot; knock off; boogie down (to somewhere Interex); shift; peel (Palmirov)
vulg. wazz; nip; bag ass; come on
watchm. be in advance (о часах); gain (о часах); indicate ahead of correct time (о часах); be gaining (15); be fast (о часах В.И.Макаров); gain time (о часах В.И.Макаров)
спешить v
gen. hasten (with inf., to); skurry (The Rabbit started violently, dropped the white kid gloves and the fan, and skurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go. collinsdictionary.com EffieS); forward; hurry on; hye; put the best leg foremost; the more haste; the worse speed; ply; put on; scuddle; make speed; urge; be fast (of a timepiece); in a hurry; jump to it (к чему-л.)
busin. hasten
nautic. bear a hand
navig. be fast
obs. forthward
спе́шиться v
gen. dismount (They dismounted and led their horses through the forest. • Seidman's horse reared up when he tried to dismount.); alight (с коня или бронемашины); get off a horse; dishorse; dismount a horse; alight from a horse
agric. light off a horse
Makarov. dismount from a horse
спе́шить v
gen. unhorse (спешить противника – to unhorse one's rival SirReal); dismount (спешить врага – to dismount the enemy SirReal)
Gruzovik alight from a horse
спешите v
gen. make despatch
спеша v
Makarov. in one's hurry
спешит: 343 phrases in 34 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Contextual meaning2
Humorous / Jocular1
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Obsolete / dated2
Quotes and aphorisms2
Security systems1