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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
состыкованный adj.stresses
astronaut. mated; docked
avia. edge-to-edge
dril. butted
mil. Snap-Together (WiseSnake)
polym. spliced
tech. stacked
состыковать v
gen. conjoin (molyan); dock; align (Moscowtran); make something fit in with something (Stanislav Zhemoydo)
Gruzovik attach (pf of состыковывать)
astronaut. mate
Gruzovik, astronaut. of space vehicles dock (pf of состыковывать)
inf. put in touch with (He asked us to put him in contact with French President Jacques Chirac and give him his phone number. 4uzhoj); put in touch (with someone; кого-либо с кем-либо, т.е. дать двум людям контакты друг друга: I'll put him in touch with you. • I didn't have the kind of quantity he wanted, so I put him in touch with some serious guys I knew in Stockton. 4uzhoj); put in contact (with someone; кого-либо с кем-либо, т.е. дать двум людям контакты друг друга: He asked us to put him in contact with French President Jacques Chirac and give him his phone number. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. butt; splice; tie in
math. couple; join
состыковаться v
Gruzovik dock (of space vehicles; pf of стыковаться)
Gruzovik, astronaut. of space vehicles link up (pf of стыковаться); of space vehicles dock (pf of стыковаться); of space vehicles rendezvous (pf of стыковаться)
Gruzovik, tech. join intrans (pf of стыковаться)
inf. connect (Sorry we couldn't connect this morning, Rick – I was in a meeting until lunch. I know you called twice. ART Vancouver)
tech. rendezvous; butt; link up; splice; tie in
состыкующийся prtc.
gen. compatible (Stas-Soleil); consistent (Stas-Soleil)
состыкуемый prtc.
astronaut. mated
: 100 phrase in 14 subjects
Information technology2
Mass media3
Oil / petroleum1
Solar power1