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verb | verb | to phrases
сосвататься vstresses
gen. agree to marry
Gruzovik get engaged
fig., inf. become friends (with)
Gruzovik, fig. become friends with
сосватать v
gen. match; make a match; marry off (to); arrange a match (between); ask in marriage; propose as a husband; propose as a wife; match up; arrange a match for; match someone up with; propose to; ask for one’s hand; request permission to marry
Gruzovik propose as a wife; propose as a husband (pf of сватать); try to marry off to (pf of сватать); arrange a match between (pf of сватать); ask in marriage (pf of сватать)
fig., inf. propose (as); suggest
Gruzovik, fig. propose as (pf of сватать)
сосватанная prtc.
uncom. husbanded (igisheva)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject