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verb | verb | to phrases
сбить vstresses
gen. overthrow; whip (cream, eggs, etc.); beat up; mix; lead; flock; bag (самолёт); beat down (цену); whisk; down (самолет и т. п.: A US official familiar with the intelligence said the aircraft was downed by two Russian-made SA-15 surface-to-air missiles.); kill (самолёт); bowl over; pull down (спесь); bowl down; break down; pull (напр., паутину со стены q3mi4); strike (об автомобиле Notburga); obfuscate; undercut; amass; assemble; collect; cream; deflect; disconcert; dislodge; distract; heap up; hoard; knock together; nail together; pile up; throw off; upset; wear down (heels, shoes, ets); knock out (knock out a target. WN3 Alexander Demidov); run over (пешехода или животное – drive over, causing injury or death: He ran over a dog. • An old lady in a tiny car ran him over the other day. В.И.Макаров); knock down (напр. пешехода); knock; hammer together; knock off (цену); put down (самолёт противника); shoot down (самолет, вертолет и т.п.: Poroshenko vows to punish rebels who shot down Ukraine helicopter. 4uzhoj); bring down (самолёт, вертолет и т.п.: Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 may be the latest passenger aircraft to be brought down by militaries around the globe.); shoot down (снарядом); run someone over (пешехода или животное – drive over, causing injury or death: He ran over a dog. • An old lady in a tiny car ran him over the other day.); knock someone senseless (кого-либо) с толку (фигур. MichaelBurov); carry (в кеглях); empuzzle; pluck down; strike down (летящий объект: Iran had previously denied US claims that the country had struck down the plane accidentally. 4uzhoj); press (постель); puzzle; tip (кегли); hit (Обычно о машине и пешеходе.: He was hit by a car. – Его сбила машина. TranslationHelp); chum (butter)
Gruzovik churn (pf of бить); dislodge (pf of сбивать); beat down (pf of сбивать); disconcert (pf of сбивать); upset (pf of сбивать); distract; throw off (pf of сбивать); deflect (pf of сбивать); knock together (pf of сбивать); nail together (pf of сбивать); wear down heels, shoes, etc (pf of сбивать); gather someone or something together (pf of сбивать); collect (pf of сбивать); assemble (pf of сбивать); pile up (pf of сбивать); heap up (pf of сбивать)
Игорь Миг swat down
cook. fold
Gruzovik, inf. reduce (pf of сбивать); accumulate (pf of сбивать); amass (pf of сбивать); hoard (pf of сбивать)
inf. bowl out; nail (plushkina); accumulate; reduce
Makarov. beat back (пламя); force down; beat down; bring down (самолет); knock down (с ног); knock together (сколотить); put down (самолет противника); run down; shoot down (самолёт); throw out
math. put out
obs. prease (постель); elf (волосы: My face I'll grime with filth, blanket my loins, elf all my hairs in knots, and with presented nakedness outface the winds and persecutions of the sky. wiktionary.org)
shipb. crash (самолёт)
sport. bring down (игрока: An attacking Real Madrid player has been brought down in the area ... It's a penalty! Tamerlane)
сбиться v
gen. lose one's place (suburbian); throw out; slip to one side; slip out of position; become confused; be disconcerted; be off; lose; be thrown off; huddle together; mat; jump the track (с правильного пути); flounder; stray (с прямого пути, тж. перен.); loose track (Mirzabaiev Maksym); become blunt (of footwear); amass; assemble; beat down; beat up; become worn down (of footwear); churn; collect; collect in a body; cream; crowd together; deflect; disconcert; dislodge; distract; gather together; get confused; go wrong; heap up; hoard; knock down; knock off; knock together; look like; lose one'e way; nail together; pile up; thicken; throw off; turn toward one side; upset; wear down (heels, shoes, ets); whip; whisk; wander; slip; be awry; be deflected; be wrong; break (с ритма и т.п.); be confused (запутаться kee46); steer off (reverso.net Aslandado); fall out of step (Andrey Truhachev); get out of step (Andrey Truhachev); be snarled (A.Rezvov)
Gruzovik lose one's way (pf of сбиваться); be awry (pf of сбиваться); slip (pf of сбиваться); turn toward one side (pf of сбиваться); of tools become blunt (pf of сбиваться); of footwear become worn down (pf of сбиваться); be deflected (pf of сбиваться); be wrong (pf of сбиваться); go wrong (pf of сбиваться); get confused (pf of сбиваться); collect in a body (pf of сбиваться); crowd together (pf of сбиваться); thicken (pf of сбиваться)
comp. glork; bust (The settings busted – Настройки сбились. VLZ_58)
fig., inf. resemble
Gruzovik, inf. be amassed (pf of сбиваться); of hair, wool, etc get tangled (pf of сбиваться)
inf. accumulate; get tangled; reduce; be amassed; bring down
Makarov. lose track (Mirzabaiev Maksym)
Makarov., inf. go up
sport, bask. go cold (о прицеле: The Heat went cold in overtime, missing their first five field goal attempts, including three misses by Johnson. – В овертайме у "Майами" сбился прицел... VLZ_58)
собьюсь v
inf. be deflected a little; become worn down a little; bunch; huddle
собьёшься v
inf. become worn down a little; huddle; be deflected a little; bunch
сбить кого-либо v
amer. run smb. down (на автомобиле Taras)
: 711 phrases in 49 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Figure of speech3
Mass media2
Military aviation2
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated3
Road traffic2
Security systems1
Stock Exchange2
Taboo expressions and obscenities3
Uncommon / rare1
Wood processing1