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слететь с катушекstresses
gen. get off the trolley (alenushpl); get off one's trolley (alenushpl); go off trolley (alenushpl)
Игорь Миг go crazy; get unhinged; get mad
amer. go hyphy (act ignorant with a large group of people or start fights Val_Ships); off one's rocker (slang Val_Ships)
fig. fly off the handle (Damirules); come unglued (igisheva)
idiom. lose it (Баян); go off the rails (to start behaving strangely or in a way that is not acceptable to society: "She went off the rails in her early teens after she moved in with her 25-year-old boyfriend and started smoking pot, soon she living on the streets and got involved in sex trade." ART Vancouver); go haywire (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. go to pieces (Morning93); run mad (Andrey Truhachev); go mad (Andrey Truhachev); go bats (Andrey Truhachev); go nuts (Andrey Truhachev); freak out (Abysslooker); have a meltdown (if someone doesn't fix the elctricity in the computer room i might have a meltdown. chronik); snap (потерять разум, потерять контроль над собой SvezhentsevaMaria)
jarg. get spastic (igisheva); go spastic (igisheva); blow a gasket (igisheva); blow a fuse (igisheva)
nonstand. go crackers (resurcat)
psychol. crack up coll. (Andrey Truhachev)
slang lose one's marbles; loopity-doopity-doopy (psylingua); go a little nuts (Himera); go off the deep end (Баян); gone off the deep end (Rust71); fly off the wall (Mira_G); blow one's gasket (VLZ_58); go ballistic (в знач. "разозлиться" Lavrin); go bitchcakes (SirReal); pop one's cork (plushkina); go tonto (Val_Ships)
vulg. go apeshit (4uzhoj)
слетевший с катушек
gen. unhinged (Taras)
inf. unhinged (Баян)
slang bonkers (Rust71)
слететь с катушек
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects