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gen. avaricious; stingy; sparing; scanty; poor; covetous
| расходовать деньги
 расходовать деньги
econ. make outlay of money

to phrases
скупой adj.stresses
gen. avaricious; stingy; sparing (with на + acc. pl., with); scanty; poor (of light, soil, sun, etc.); covetous; chary; churlish; close; illiberal; near; tight-fisted; penurious; miserly; mean; cheeseparing; grasping; hard; niggard; screwy; scrimpy; tight; close-fisted; curmudgeonly; griping; grudging; handfast; hard-fisted; mean-spirited; narrow-fisted; pinchpenny; ungenerous; costive; pinching; near the bone; close as a clam; closefisted (Ista); short (перен. short on something; Paladino lays out plan but is short on details – Паладино излагает план, но скуп на детали; Lisa Maldonado is short on facts and long on personal attacks – Лиса Мальдонадо скупа на факты, зато щедра в переходах на личности Баян); close fisted; hard fisted; mean spirited; narrow fisted; tight fisted; managing; scarce (The reality is that you're producing a great deal with very scarce resources. I. Havkin); avid; careful; hardfisted (jagr6880); mean-hearted (Sergei Aprelikov); penny pinching; parsimonious; skimpy; niggardly; anear; close handed; fast handed; miserable; sneaking; spare; stinted; strait; strait-handed; tenacious; strait waistcoat; weak; meager (of rainfall, supplies, rations, etc.); economical (о жесте, движении Побеdа); curmudgeon; skinny (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik miser
amer., inf. Scotch
dial. having
dial., Scotl. narrow
fig. stiff (в значении "сдержанный", например, о движениях Abysslooker); hide
Gruzovik, fig. inadequate; scraggy
idiom. close as wax (Miserly. Interex)
inf. mingy; penny-pinching; cheese-paring (Khazanova)
Makarov. churly; ironfisted; lean (о стиле, слоге); shabby
obs. avarous; scant; streight
poetic, arch. nigh
rel., christ. greedy
slang cut-rate cut rate; penny-pincher; skin; small; snide; tightwad; cheap; tightwad (someone who avoids spending money Val_Ships)
uncom. saving
vulg. tight as a fart; tight-assed
скупо adv.
gen. meanly; scantily; scantly; near; anear; close; miserably; narrowly; nearly; parsimoniously; shabbily (Aly19); stinting oneself; tersely; penuriously; covetously; frugally; husbandly; niggardly; ungenerously; tenaciously; grudgingly
Gruzovik sparingly; stingily
Игорь Миг telegraphically
obs. avariciously; sneakingly
vernac. lousily
скуп adj.
gen. coemption (всего количества товара); engrossing; forestalling
Gruzovik, obs. buying up; cornering
obs., inf. buying up; cornering
"Скупой" adj.
lit. The Miser (1668, комедия Мольера)
Скупа adj.
prop.name Skupa
скупойприжимистый adj.
slang chintzy (Don't be chintzy. Give thе man a dollar for a cup of coffee. Не будь скупым. Дай мужику доллар на чашку кофе. Interex)
скупо: 146 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
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Contextual meaning1
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