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gen. likely (You can send the draft to me today but I likely won't be able to make changes until tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday. – скорее всего, не смогу внести изменения раньше, чем ART Vancouver); most likely; there is every likelihood (Simonoffs); more than likely (Alexander Oshis); more likely (Gri85); as likely as not (very probably • As likely as not she's forgotten all about it. • The illness was caused, most likely, by a virus. OALD Alexander Demidov); there's every likelihood (Mongolian_spy); like as not (as) like as not. british old-fashioned phrase. used for saying that something will probably happen or is probably true: You’ll find him sitting at the table, doing the crossword like as not. MED. She would be in bed by now, as like as not. OALD Alexander Demidov); in all likelyhood (In all likelihood everything will go to ​plan. Val_Ships); in all likelihood (In all likelihood everything will go to ​plan. MargeWebley); I guess so (Супру); by all appearances (Andrey Truhachev); from all appearances (Andrey Truhachev); in all appearances (Andrey Truhachev); to all seeming (Andrey Truhachev); in all appearance (Andrey Truhachev); it is likely that (Johnny Bravo); my best guess is (My best guess is that it will take around six months.); odds are (VLZ_58); smart money says (sever_korrespondent); it appears that (Taras); chances are (If you've spent any time on the Internet in the last week, chances are you've already seen this viral video. 4uzhoj); chance; apparently (в знач. "по всей видимости" Andrey Truhachev); well (How old is he though? – I don't know, but he could well be forty or thereabouts. george serebryakov); probably (used to mean that something is very likely cambridge.org sea holly); it's most likely (It’s most likely it was a pedophile hiding in the bush. Wrong place, wrong time. Poor kid. ART Vancouver); very likely (suburbian); the chances are; most probably
Игорь Миг it appears; seemingly; it is far more likely that; it is rather obvious
amer. rather (She’s saying things that many would rather not hear. Val_Ships); most likely (как обозн.вероятности; Will it rain tomorrow? Most likely. Val_Ships); more likely than not (как обознач. вероятности) It's more than likely that this problem will occur again. It is more likely than not that the A-plus student will get into college. Val_Ships)
dipl. it's more than likely that (bigmaxus); it's most likely that (bigmaxus)
inf. in all likelihood (In all likelihood everything will go to ​plan. Val_Ships)
quot.aph. it is highly likely (Alex_Odeychuk)
rhetor. it is highly likely that (Alex_Odeychuk)
"скорее всего"
ital., mus. piuttosto (в нотных указаниях)
скорее всего
: 40 phrases in 10 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms2