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сдержанный adj.stresses
gen. reserved (на слова); restrained; composed; continent; stand-offish; reticent; suppressed; unsociable; chary; decent; demure; discreet; dry; insular; measured (о речи); moderate; modest; strange; unbroken (об обещании и т. п.); undemonstrative; frozen; guarded; sedate; buttoned up; close-lipped; close-tongued; contained; forbearing; incommunicative; low-profile (о позиции, поведении); mim; repressed; self-composed; sober-minded; sobersided (слишком); unenthusiastic (о приёме); unexpansive; checked; inaccessible; self-contained; self-restrained; brittle; chaste; close-mouthed; collected; continent (в словах, поступках); stand-off; prudent (ADol); understated (о вещах, напр., an understated suit – подчеркнуто скромный, но элегантный костюм Aiduza); cold-minded (AlexiZ); muted (lacking enthusiasm Clepa); minimalistic (@ndreas); bottled up (Ambrosia); buttoned down; close lipped; close mouthed; close tongued; low key; low profile; self composed; self contained; self restrained; sober minded; stand off; stand offish; close; inhibited; retiring; tight (в обращении); subdued (Lemuel Gulliver); staid (ridge69); dispassionate; distant; tempered; button-down; quiet; curt (Mermaiden); button down; qualified; eschewing (Alexey Lebedev); lowkey (MichaelBurov); standoffish (Taras); forebearing; colytic; coolheaded (VLZ_58); self-controlled (maoteq); lackluster (the series opened to lackluster reviews ad_notam); stiff (о движениях Abysslooker); cool hand (человек); cool head (человек); tranquil (tranquil beauty sankozh); austere (Tatiana_Ts_); self-effacing (implies holding back emotions and expressions Taras); counsel keeping; coy; secret; stayed; ware; wary
Gruzovik cautious; careful; pent-up
Игорь Миг unassuming
amer. even-tempered (He was even-tempered, fair-minded, and willing to work with his fellow legislators to make a difference. Val_Ships); preppy (Snowowl); self-possessed (composed in mind or manner Val_Ships)
avia. kolytic
avia., med. sober
busin. dominated; reserved
dipl. soft
fig. buttoned
idiom. as cool as cucumber (shergilov)
inf. upstage (Andrey Truhachev); cold fish (или недружелюбный)
Makarov. frosted; incommunicable; indrawn; lean (о стиле, слоге); temperate; unbending; undemonstrative (о человеке, чувствах и т.п.); abstentious; aloof
obs. assober
psychol. self-collected
сдержать v
gen. refrain; bite back (колкость/грубость и т.п. – to restrain a hurtful, embarrassing, or indiscreet remark: Paul bit back an angry reply. 4uzhoj); make good (слово); bit; bound; bridle; chasten; check; constrain; contain (to contain the enemy – сдерживать противника); control; cork; curb; dominate; guard; gulp; inhibit; keep (keep (in) one's feelings – сдерживать свои чувства); moderate; repress; restrain; stay; stifle; suppress; dam back; put a bridle on; deter; hold back; hold in check; keep back; refrain (from); force back; slow down; stand by (слово); go through with (слово: You promised him, so now you have to go through with it. Luchemir)
Gruzovik hold back (pf of сдерживать); hold in check (pf of сдерживать); keep back (pf of сдерживать); deter (pf of сдерживать); slow down
Игорь Миг stem the tide
book. thwart (to stop something from happening or someone from doing something; to prevent something from happening (Cambridge Dictionary): Nicolás Maduro claimed his troops have thwarted a botched attempt to topple him. • In the first half, founder and executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, an organization that champions "peace through strength," Frank Gaffney, shared his contention that China must be thwarted in what he views as its determined bid to crush liberty, destroy the US, and institute what Xi Jinping calls "global governance, directed and enforced from Beijing." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
equest.sp. retain
fig. swaddle
Gruzovik, inf. hold on to (pf of сдерживать); sustain (pf of сдерживать)
inf. hold (on to); sustain
Makarov. hold in
math. keep in check; retard
сдержаться v
gen. control; contain (he could not contain himself for joy – он не мог сдержать себя от радости); cork; draw bridle; pull up; restrain one's temper; check one's tears (Aly19); hold one's hand (ekata); check oneself; contain oneself; curb; deter; hold back; hold in check; keep; keep back; refrain (from); repress; restrain; restrain oneself; retard; suppress; manage (о чувствах neamm); slow down; hold in one's anger (VLZ_58); curb temper; hold out ('Yet upon that afternoon, whether it was the Beaune which I had taken with my lunch or the additional exasperation produced by the extreme deliberation of his manner, I suddenly felt that I could hold out no longer.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – почувствовал, что больше не могу сдерживаться ART Vancouver); hold one's ground (об эмоциях: Alice, who loved nothing more than to be interrupted by men, held her ground, wondering what would happen if she slapped him in the face. thefreedictionary.com Abysslooker)
Gruzovik restrain oneself (pf of сдерживаться); contain oneself (pf of сдерживаться)
inf. bite back (never passive; to stop yourself from saying something that shows your real feelings or thoughts: He turned red and bit back an angry response Taras); hold (on to); sustain
Makarov. control oneself; hold one's fire; hold oneself in check; refrain from; curb one's temper
slang cut out
сдержитесь! v
gen. draw it mild! (obsolete UK usage)
: 453 phrases in 34 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Artificial intelligence1
Figure of speech1
Mass media16