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gen. cable with (feyana); be on to (someone – кем-либо по телефону и т.п.); be onto (кем-либо; особ. по телефону); get in contact with (someone – кем-либо); get in touch with (someone – кем-либо); get in touch with; check in with (Ремедиос_П); reach out to (Ремедиос_П); tie up (кем-либо); contact (someone); I've been trying to contact you all day. D. Zolottsev); have a bout with any one (кем-л.); be in touch with (Thank you for contacting us! A customer service representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible to address your concerns. -- свяжется с вами • If you are still unable to login, no need to reply again, we'll be in touch soon. -- скоро с вами свяжемся ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг make it out to
formal contact (Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service. -- Свяжитесь с нами незамедлительно по поводу ... ART Vancouver)
idiom. throw in one's lot with (to join or become associated with a person, group, or thing that one hopes will win or succeed; decide to ally yourself closely with and share the fate of a person or group: He has decided to throw in his lot with the business venture. • As soon as news of the CEO's scandal becomes public, I doubt that big investor will want to throw in her lot with us. 4uzhoj); get into bed with (to make an agreement to work with another person or group. This expression is usually used showing disapproval. : The leisure group has not been the only hotelier to contemplate getting into bed with a supermarket chain. collinsdictionary.com Orwald)
inf. get a hold of (кем-нибудь; somebody Aydar); get hooked up with (Karen got hooked up with some guy from Prince George. – связалась с ART Vancouver); get ahold (кем-либо greenuniv)
Makarov. be on to (someone); по телефону и т. п.; кем-либо); fall in (with; кем-либо); get in touch with (someone); кем-либо); get into touch with (someone – кем-либо); get onto something, someone (чем-либо, кем-либо); get through to (someone – кем-либо); get to (someone – кем-либо); tie in with (кем-либо); be onto (кем-либо; особ по телефону)
O&G, casp. follow up with (Yeldar Azanbayev)
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gen. get across to
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gen. identify with (в контексте: The following digital identities are likely to be identifiable with persons listed in above. 4uzhoj)
IT be mapped to (financial-engineer)
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water.res. associate
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gen. speak to (you can speak to a rep from 8am to 5pm sankozh)
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black.sl. holler at ("Holler at me" is a Black English expression that means "get in touch with me" or "contact me." It is often used casually between friends or acquaintances to indicate a willingness to help or communicate further. Alex_Odeychuk)
связаться с кем-либо / чем-либо
idiom. get tangled up with someone/something (The boy had gotten tangled up with a bad bunch of kids and was in serious trouble. / It is a huge mistake to get tangled up with drugs.)
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Makarov. put in touch with (someone – кем-либо)
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: 184 phrases in 34 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Cliche / convention1
Computer networks2
Information technology2
Mass media7
Military lingo1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Road traffic1
Water resources1