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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
сближенный adj.stresses
bot. connivent (о листьях)
bot., Makarov. approximate
geol. contiguous
сблизиться v
gen. move closer (to bookworm); cotton up; drift together; appose; become close friends (with); bring together; converge; draw together; chum up; bond (we really bonded on that trip Tanya Gesse); bring near; chum; draw close to (During the 1860’s and early 1870’s attempts to draw close to the people and spread revolutionary propaganda in the countryside were undertaken by... VLZ_58); get cosy (Practice your nervous tics and animal noises to scare off the nutcases before they get too cozy. VLZ_58); become friends (Andrey Truhachev); befriend (Andrey Truhachev); become close friends (with); get closer (Rori); get up close (Ivan Pisarev); come closer (Ivan Pisarev); come a little closer (Ivan Pisarev); get in close (Ivan Pisarev); go closer (Ivan Pisarev); get close enough (Ivan Pisarev); get near (Ivan Pisarev); get so close (Ivan Pisarev); become closer (Ivan Pisarev); draw close (Ivan Pisarev); draw nearer; come closer together; take up with
Игорь Миг be thick as thieves
Gruzovik, mil. approach the range (pf of сближаться); close the range (pf of сближаться)
inf. chum in (с кем-либо-with); buddy up (Val_Ships); get chummy with (Andrey Truhachev); get chummy (with Andrey Truhachev); chum up (с кем-либо-with); reconnect (Spending vacation together will help us reconnect. – Время, проведенное вместе в отпуске, поможет нам сблизиться. JennySh)
Makarov. chum in (with; с кем-либо); chum up with (с кем-либо); get with
math. approach (each other); come close; come together; approximate
mil. get to close quarters; close (the range)
slang get next to (someone); get with (someone – с кем-либо Buddy89)
сблизить v
gen. bring closer together; appose; approach; bring near; converge; draw together; approximate; bring someone closer together (кого-либо ART Vancouver); bridge the gap (SirReal)
Gruzovik approach (pf of сближать); converge; bring near (pf of сближать); draw together (pf of сближать); appose (pf of сближать)
Игорь Миг push together
math. bring together; pull together
: 59 phrases in 18 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Dog breeding1
Energy industry1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas technology1
Wood processing2