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само собой разумеющийсяstresses
gen. self-evident; knee jerk; matter of course; axiomatic (scherfas); knee-jerk
busin. matter-of-course
inf. no-brainer (Stay away from things that seem sketchy to you today. This should be a no-brainer, but I feel that you should be reminded since you can be pretty thick sometimes. VLZ_58)
tech. obvious
само собой разумеется
gen. it goes without saying; it stands to reason; it goes without saying; needless to say (Anglophile); I need hardly say (Anglophile); it is self understood (it goes without saying); self-evidently (Andrei Titov); it's a given (ArishkaYa); that's a given (ArishkaYa); it's obvious; one took for granted (Ivan1992); it is a matter of course; goes without asking (scherfas); it remains without saying (A.Rezvov); clearly (youtube.com Butterfly812); sure as eggs is eggs (At this time of year, sure as eggs is eggs, the TV starts filling with Christmas ads for toys.); va da se'; obviously (youtube.com Butterfly812); that is understood; no doubt; no doubt that
Игорь Миг absolutely; understandably; unquestionably
Makarov. that goes without saying
math. it goes without saying that; it is axiomatic that; it is understood; of course; it is self-evident
proverb of course (used as paren. or affirmation); certainly (used as paren. or affirmation)
rhetor. without question (бесспорно, безусловно Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг, inf. sure thing
само собой разумеющееся
gen. normal state of things (JaneN); par for the course (Rust71); taken for granted (valtih1978)
само собою разумеющийся
gen. matter-of-course
нечто само собой разумеющееся
gen. a matter of course
само собою разумеется
gen. of course
само собою разумеющееся
gen. matter of course
сам собой разумеющийся
gen. implicit (Vadim Rouminsky)
само собой разумеющимся
inf. stand out a mile
само собой разуметься
math. be taken for granted
само собой разумеющийся
: 72 phrases in 14 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms2