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gen. at the risk of (чем-либо); at risk; jeopardising (iwona)
Makarov. in peril of
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gen. risk (чем-либо); venture (to); adventure; hazard; stake; dare (with inf., to); chance; gamble; pyramid; go nap on (чем-либо; napoleon); play ducks and drakes; take risks; imperil (чем-либо); run the venture; take a chance; be on a tightrope; lay down at stake (чем-либо); lay set at stake (чем-либо); run chances; run hazards; run risks; run the hazard; run the risk (of); stand the hazard; walk a tightrope; jeopardy; wager (чем-либо); be in danger (of doing something q3mi4); go out on a limb (Anglophile); run a danger; run the hazard of (чем-либо); stand the hazard of (чем-либо); jeopardise (ФаинаФилиппова); chance it (enma); play the odds (Ant493); risk-taking (pasha1996); take chances (Taras); run a chance; take the risk (of); boggle; dice; play (в игре); stick neck out (Ivan1992); put oneself in jeopardy (put oneself in jeopardy); put life at risk (Taras); put on the line (VLZ_58); live dangerously (sweety4156); bet the farm (чем-либо sever_korrespondent); bet the house (чем-либо sever_korrespondent); run the risk of (+ инфинитив Баян); put something at risk (чем-либо Юрий Гомон); put one's ass on the line (george serebryakov); take a gamble (Taras); put on the line (карьерой, репутацией; to risk one's career, reputation, etc. on something Taras); lay something on the line (She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong – Она рискнула своей работой, когда сказала своему начальнику, что он был не прав Taras); put something on the line (Taras); pursue conclusion; try conclusion; danger; expose (чем-л.); go near; stake out; stand a chance; wage; chance a rebuff; have a go
Gruzovik take the risk of; run a chance
Игорь Миг put one's skin in this game
amer. jeopard; be in jeopardy
austral., slang stick one's neck out
busin. carry a risk; run a risk; take a risk; run risk; take the risk of failure
econ. risk
fig. stick someone's neck out (Enrica)
fig.of.sp. step out on a limb (Халеев)
fin. afford to lose (капиталом sankozh)
idiom. Skatе on thin ice (Tarija); at the tip of the spear (Taras); put something on the line (чем-либо: Firefighters put their lives on the line every working day. cambridge.org ellie_flores); put neck on the line (There's a lot of money at stake here and none of the partners wants to put his neck on the line. VLZ_58); go to the limit (Andrey Truhachev); put stick, raise, lift one's head above the parapet (Tiny Tony)
inf. plunge; cut it close (Driving 300 miles on one tank of gas was cutting it close, but we arrived safely. VLZ_58)
inf., amer. go (какой-либо суммой)
law chance arm (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Makarov. go in off the deep end; go off at the deep end; go off the deep end; make ducks and drakes; play both ends against the middle; put one's head into the lion's mouth; thrust oneself into peril; carry the risk; change arm; assume a risk; be on a tight-rope; face a risk; incur a risk; lay down something at the stake (чем-либо); play ducks and drakes with something (чем-либо); play with fire; set something at the stake (чем-либо); flirt with danger; set something at stake (чем-либо); take chance; tread a tightrope; rush into peril
nautic. endanger
obs. compromit; overtempt
poetic jump (ст.)
radioeng. venture out (Bobrovska)
seism. venture (чем-л.)
slang neck
telecom. take the risk (oleg.vigodsky)
uncom. be endangered (в значении "подвергаться случайности", напр., рисковать погубить себя Soulbringer); jeopardize; jeopardize (в контексте; например: Для некоторых компаний эта ситуация рискует обернуться серьезными убытками.)
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gen. put one's head in the lion's mouth
: 281 phrases in 34 subjects
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