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ретроград nstresses
gen. fuddle; hunker; back number; mossback; retrograde; slowcoach; Tory; retrogressive; misoneist; conservative; hidebound (Сергій Саржевський); unreconstructed (unreconstructed liberal – либерал-ретроград VLZ_58); fogey (also fogy, plural fogies, plural fogeys countable – If you describe someone as a fogey or an old fogey, you mean that they are boring and old-fashioned.: I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy. 'More)
Gruzovik reactionary; retrograde person; misoneist (person who hates innovation or change)
Игорь Миг old-fashioned person (конт.)
amer. reversionist
amer., polit. floo-floo bird
inf. dinosaur (diyaroschuk); fossil (diyaroschuk)
Makarov. a back issue; a back number; back issue
polit. bitter clinger (joyand)
slang fuddy-duddy
Игорь Миг, disappr. stick-in-the-mud
 Russian thesaurus
ретроград n
gen. противник прогресса, человек с отсталыми взглядами. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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