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резьбовое отверстие
 резьбовое отверстие
automat. screw-threaded bore
avia. screw eye
construct. screwed hole; tap hole
Makarov. screw hole
mech. threaded receptacle; threaded recess
| под
gen. hearthstone
| винт
gen. external screw

to phrases
резьбовое отверстиеstresses
automat. screw-threaded bore
avia. screw eye
construct. screwed hole; tap hole; taped hole
dril. box (как один из элементов резьбового соединения, наряду со стержнем: box up, pin down millatce)
Makarov. screw hole
mech. threaded receptacle; threaded recess
tech. threaded hole; thread hole; threaded port (Метран); forcing tap (для нажимного винта); threaded opening; tapped hole; tap (Иногда встречается в технической документации (корейский английский).: The BED FRAME is machined with 10 M24 taps for height adjustment and ø26 holes for fixing the BED FRAME to the BASE FRAME нет ссылки kostya_b)
telecom. screwplug hole (oleg.vigodsky)
резьбовое отверстие: 32 phrases in 12 subjects
Automated equipment8
Cycling other than sport3
Mechanic engineering1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas technology1
Rail transport1