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gen. edit; blue-pencil; red-pencil; redact; rewrite; copyedit
| программа
gen. programme

verb | verb | to phrases
редактировать vstresses
gen. edit; blue-pencil; red-pencil; redact; rewrite; copyedit (перед сдачей в набор q3mi4); spatchcock (править от руки готовую версию доклада, книги, письма, сокращать, делать вставки Anglophile); gloss over (приукрашивать, смягчать Alex_Odeychuk); blue pencil; red pencil; draw up; be editor of (a journal, etc); word; fix up (Nrml Kss); draught
Gruzovik draw up (impf and pf; pf also отредактировать); word (impf and pf; pf also отредактировать)
amer. copyread (рукопись)
automat. edit (напр., программу); modify (программу)
Gruzovik, media. edit a journal, etc (impf of средактировать); be editor of a journal, etc (impf of средактировать)
inf. polish (Cockroach Slayer)
IT red-line (to red-line an article means to mark it up with comments and suggested changes in red ink, either on a printed copy or electronically using editing software. This is a common practice in the editing process, especially in the publishing industry. When an editor red-lines an article, they carefully review the text and make notes on areas that need improvement, such as awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, or inconsistent formatting. They may also suggest changes to improve the article's structure, tone, or flow. These changes may include adding or deleting content, reorganizing sections, or making suggestions for more effective word choices. The red-lined version of the article serves as a guide for the writer, indicating what revisions are needed and giving them a clear roadmap for making those changes. The writer can then review the red-lined version and make the necessary revisions before submitting the final draft Taras); edit (напр. текст); curate (in the context of article editing, "edit" and "curate" are related but distinct concepts. Editing refers to the process of revising and improving a piece of writing. This involves checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as ensuring that the writing is clear, concise, and easy to read. Editors also review the overall structure of the piece, making changes to the order of paragraphs or sections as needed to improve the flow and coherence of the writing. Curation, on the other hand, refers to the process of selecting and organizing content to present a specific message or theme. In article editing, this may involve choosing which sources to include, selecting quotes or excerpts that support the writer's argument, and arranging the content in a way that is engaging and easy to follow. Curating an article may also involve selecting images or other multimedia elements to enhance the reader's experience. So while editing focuses on improving the quality of the writing itself, curation is more concerned with shaping the overall message and presentation of the article. A good editor will do both, making sure that the writing is clear, concise, and error-free while also curating the content to create a compelling and informative piece Taras)
Makarov. blue-pencil (текст); to red-pencil
nautic. formulate
polygr. work up
shipb. draft
slang revamp (Marchikhin)
tech. change; revise; tune (управляющую программу); correct; amend
редактироваться v
gen. draft; draw up; edit; formulate; be editor of (a journal, etc); word; get edited (Alex_Odeychuk)
редактированный prtc.
gen. edited
: 113 phrases in 23 subjects
Automated equipment2
Information technology30
Mass media17
Obsolete / dated1
Textile industry1