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verb | verb | to phrases
расходиться vstresses
gen. disperse; break up (о компании, собрании и т. п.); differ; diverge; separate (of a married couple); get divorced; cross; be sold out; sell (of an item); be spent (of money); run out of; melt; vary; adjourn; dispart; divaricate (о дорогах); divide (во взглядах); start (о шве); bust up (о супружеской паре); branch; disaccord (во взглядах); disagree; discord (во мнениях); break the ranks (после построения); find a quick sale (о товаре); find a ready sale (о товаре); branch out; at odds (adavik); adjorn (adjourn Gunilla); be out of sync with (с чем-либо); let hair down; fly off the handle (выходить из себя Anglophile); get all steamed up (Anglophile); go; be at variance with (во взглядах и т.п.); drop away; take issue; channel off (в разных направлениях); drop off; drift apart; branch away; branch off; run counter (во мнениях, представлениях // When due diligence results run counter to a client's beliefs, they might even refuse to pay for work; The Internet is a key resource for independent activists or E-activists, particularly those whose message may run counter to the mainstream 4uzhoj); part ways (таким образом, может иметь буквальное значение; в разные стороны NLC); part; pass; disband (о собрании, толпе); be out of synch with (с чем-либо); clear (о людях); sell out (It has not been available since its original limited edition print run sold out. VLZ_58); dissolve; clash (о взглядах); arise; come off; fork; gather speed; go away; miss each other; pass by each other; radiate; run; go against (=противоречить dimock); fan out (~ по (территории) Баян); be able to pass by each other (in a narrow place); be disseminated; be out of print; be spread; take; be out of print; bring into question (со словами или поступками; только в контексте: Tell your children you love them often... but most importantly, don't say and do a lot of things to bring that into question. 4uzhoj); travel (о новостях;: news travelled fast powerthesaurus.org dimock); be at odds (с чем-либо; тж. во мнениях и т. п.: Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. • The witness' statement seems to be at odds with the evidence, not a good sign for the prosecutor.); be out of sync with (с чем-либо); be out of synch with (с чем-либо); go separate ways (идти разными путями); part (прощаться); break up (о собрании, компании и т.д.); dissipate; be at odds with (Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. • The witness' statement seems to be at odds with the evidence, not a good sign for the prosecutor. Val_Ships); go asunder; rise; quarrel; depart (in different directions); fail to meet; part company; be at variance; split up (о супружеской паре)
Gruzovik break with (impf of разойтись); begin to blow up (of a storm, etc); depart (impf of разойтись); spread (impf of разойтись); pass by each other (impf of разойтись); miss each other (impf of разойтись); fail to meet; be able to pass by each other (impf of разойтись); break with (impf of разойтись); break up (impf of разойтись)
Игорь Миг go on a rampage
automat. start (о швах)
busin. contrast; separate (о супругах)
cartogr. fail (в значении, в результатах вычислений)
construct. splay out
dipl. break up (о собрании, совещании и т.п.)
econ. diverge (о данных)
fig., inf. fly into a temper; get worked up
Gruzovik, fig. lose one's self-control; fly into a temper (impf of разойтись); get worked up (impf of разойтись); let oneself go; get very angry; of pain, etc manifest itself very severely; of a storm, etc begin to rage; of a storm, etc begin to blow up
Gruzovik, inf. begin to pace to and fro; get used to walking; limber up in walking; loosen up in walking; begin to walk to and fro; go at; acquire a knack for; get going
Gruzovik, mil. break ranks (if soldiers or police officers break ranks, they stop standing in lines and move away)
Gruzovik, nautic. pass clear of each other (о кораблях)
inf. acquire a knack (for); begin to pace; begin to walk to and fro; get going; go at; limber up; loosen up (in walkig); go on the rampage (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., fig. blow up; begin to rage; get very angry (of pain, etc); let oneself go; lose self-control; manifest itself very severely (of a storm, etc)
IT depart; spread
leath. drop off (о шве)
Makarov. differ (во мнениях); differentiate; let one's back hair down; let one's hair down; trickle (тж. back, out, through); clash with (о взглядах); scatter; be at variance with (отличаться); be separated (разъединяться); break up (о группе, компании, собрании); bust up (о супругах); differ from; differ with; fade away; fade out; jump away; split up; trickle back (об информации, слухах); trickle out (об информации, слухах); trickle through (об информации, слухах)
math. fall apart
med. solute
mil. fall out; dismiss
nautic. pass clear of each other
obs. disconsent (во мнениях); sperse
oil part (об обсадной колонне)
police, context. clear the area (I am a police officer. Come on, clear the area, clear the area! – Расходитесь! 4uzhoj)
scient. be inconsistent with something (с чем-либо igisheva)
tech. go separate ways; come apart; open out; move apart; vary from (с Andrey Truhachev)
расходить v
tech. make free (сделать деталь работоспособной. Расходить ролики. brash); operate to free movement (e.g., a valve Stanislav Zhemoydo)
расходится v
gen. go
расходясь v
gen. divergently
: 376 phrases in 34 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech1
Information technology1
Mass media10
Quotes and aphorisms1
Road works1