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to phrases
расторгнуть договорstresses
gen. undo a treaty; dissolve an agreement; avoid a contract; abrogate an agreement; annul an agreement
busin. determine a contract; repudiate a contract
dipl. renounce a treaty; annul a treaty; denounce a treaty
formal dissolve the agreement ("Flanagan gave formal notice to EAA Chancellor John Covington in a letter dated Tuesday, saying the state would be dissolving the agreement in one year." mlive.com ART Vancouver)
law avoid a contract (Право международной торговли On-Line); cancel a contract; terminate a contract (Irina Verbitskaya); terminate an agreement (Irina Verbitskaya)
mil. abrogate a convention; abrogate a treaty; dissolve a convention
notar. rescind a contract
расторгнутый договор
law terminated agreement (sissoko)
tech. dissolved contract
расторгнуть договор
: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
Human resources1