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расстраивать vstresses
gen. disrupt (to disrupt elections – сорвать выборы; планы, заговоры Ира); mistune (муз. инструмент); frustrate; clutter; deprave; destroy (здоровье); destruct (здоровье); disaffect (здоровье); disrank; mar (что-л.); ruffle; wear away (здоровье); throw into disorder; disrupt; throw out of tune; get sb. down; upset (порядок и т. п.); disorganize; disturb (планы); spoil; shatter (здоровье); frustrate (планы); baffle (расчёты, планы); disarrange; discompose; dislocate (планы и т. п.); disorder (здоровье); thwart (планы и т. п.); unsettle; derange (мысли, планы); discomfit (планы и т. п.); disconcert (планы); distract; unhinge; unnerve; untune (муз. инструмент); faze; aggrieve pass; counterwork (планы); disadjust; distune (музыкальный инструмент); offput (планы); blank (планы); blow up; distemper (здоровье); overset; trouble; put the lid on (планы и т. п.); foil; give the pip; aggrieve; fray; jangle; unfix; sabotage (работу Notburga); have sb. distressed (That's not what has me distressed. – Меня не это расстраивает. ART Vancouver); disgruntle (bigmaxus); put out of tune; defeat (планы); circumvent (планы); turn (пищеварение, психику, здоровье и т. п.); put out; turn brain; deflate (VLZ_58); perturb (нарушать упорядоченность Abysslooker); disrupt (планы, заговоры; to disrupt elections – сорвать выборы Ира); throw into confusion; damage; impair; wreck; balk; baulk; bilk; confound (планы, надежды); deject; disappoint (планы и т.п.); rout (планы, замыслы); unship; make upset (кого-либо Dollie); distress; ruin; break (ряды)
Gruzovik disorder (impf of расстроить); throw into confusion (impf of расстроить); disrupt; damage (impf of расстроить); impair (impf of расстроить); ruin (impf of расстроить); shatter (impf of расстроить); wreck (impf of расстроить)
Игорь Миг derail (планы); chagrin; rankle
amer. discombobulate (S0фья)
amer., inf. play hob
austral., slang rock (someone); cook someone's goose (чьи-либо планы или надежды); screw up
busin. upset (smb); destroy
construct. disturb
data.prot. thwart (планы)
dipl. upset (планы и т.п.)
dipl., fig. blow up blew; blown
el. upset; disalign
fig. make sth fail (Andrey Truhachev); make sth fall through (Andrey Truhachev); make sth break down (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf. build a large number of
Gruzovik, obs. cause to fall out (impf of расстроить); cause to quarrel (impf of расстроить)
idiom. upset the apple-cart (Yeldar Azanbayev); rain on someone's parade (I hate to rain on your parade, but lots of people have tried that strategy and it hasn't worked yet.)
inf. hip; break up; offput (планы и т.п.); do sb's head in (akimboesenko); build; have panties in a twist (VLZ_58)
law defeat (планы и т.п.); defeat
Makarov. mistune (музыкальный инструмент и т.п.); detune (напр., контур); rock; blow up (планы, замыслы); give someone the pip (кого-либо); put someone off one's stride; short-circuit (планы); throw out of gear (ход чего-либо); turn someone's mind; upset (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. raise hob
Makarov., inf. bring down
math. discolate
med. debilitate (здоровье)
media. tune out (например, радиоприёмник)
metrol. decalibrate (Баян)
mil. disintegrate (боевые порядки); disrank (боевой порядок); disrupt (боевой порядок); reduce (боевой порядок)
nautic. lurch (замыслы, намерения); detune (прибор)
obs. disrange; dissettle; havoc; havock; mistemper; uncalm; cause to fall out
oil upset (систему)
slang kerflummux; bug; dish; flummox; bum out (It really bummed me out when he forgot my birthday vogeler)
tech. detune; off-tune; misalign; unbalance; mistune
расстраиваться v
gen. be upset; fail; unsettle; groan inwardly; feel down (dragster); get panties in a twist (Pavel_Gr); get out of tune; build out (о городе 4uzhoj); upset oneself (to become sad, worried, or angry by thinking about something unpleasant КГА); be put out (She was very put out when I said that her new summer dress didn't suit her Taras); derange; disarrange; throw into confusion; break down; cause to fall out; collapse; damage; discompose; disorder; disorganize; disrupt; frustrate; get upset; go to pieces; impair; shatter; wreck; untune; decay (о здоровье, силах); detune (сбиться с настройки); get upset about (из-за чего-то maystay); be thrown into confusion; mistune; ruin; stress out (VLZ_58); laugh on the wrong side of mouth (вместо того, чтобы смеяться); wear away
Gruzovik break up (impf of расстроиться); expand (of a city, factory, etc; impf of расстроиться); grow (of a city, factory, etc; impf of расстроиться); be thrown into confusion (impf of расстроиться); break down (impf of расстроиться); collapse (impf of расстроиться); go to pieces (impf of расстроиться); get upset (impf of расстроиться)
Игорь Миг fret over; be sick at heart
brit. get one's knickers in a twist (PeachyHoney)
cliche. feel bad (Their house sold in 48 hours, without ever going to multiple listing. (…) Rose said he has no illusions about what will likely become of his home on St. Denis and doesn't feel bad about it. "A family has to decide what is right for it," he said. – не расстраивается по этому поводу (vancourier.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. build a number of; of a city, factory, etc expand (impf of расстроиться); of a city, factory, etc grow (impf of расстроиться)
Gruzovik, obs. fall out with (impf of расстроиться); break off with (impf of расстроиться)
idiom. get your knickers in a twist. (Don't get your knickers in a twist! Everything is under control. Interex); go south (о планах В.И.Макаров)
inf. take on; build; expand; get one's skivvies in a bunch (joyand); get one's skivvies in a twist (joyand); get the vapors (заголовок: Chris Hayes Gets The Vapors Over John Podesta's Email Leaks joyand); have panties in a twist (VLZ_58); have undies in a bundle (VLZ_58); get exercised (Upset or agitated because of something. We can't tell Mom we broke the vase–she'll get totally exercised about it! Before you get exercised about it, let me tell you exactly what happened. VLZ_58); get one's knickers in a twist (If someone is getting their knickers in a twist about something, they are getting annoyed or upset about it without good reason. КГА)
Makarov. detune; distune; laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth (вместо того, чтобы смеяться); off-tune; trouble; fall apart; fall into confusion; fall through; fall to the ground; blow up (о планах, замыслах); get oneself worked up; go to pieces (приходить в упадок)
Makarov., inf., amer. come unglued
metrol. decalibrate (Баян)
obs. break off (with); cause to quarrel; fall out (with)
slang flip-out; snap one's cap; keel over
расстраиваемый prtc.
mus. detuned
: 150 phrases in 18 subjects
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