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verb | verb | to phrases
распоряжаться vstresses
gen. dispose; manage; direct; take charge; boss; order (with inf. or o, that something be done); control; lord it; hold the balance (of power); rule the roost; say the word; run the show; throw weight about; boss around (slovik); take ownership (SAKHstasia); ordain; act the lord; have in hand; call the play; call the tune; come the old soldier; have control over something (чем-либо Beloshapkina); deal (with); master; lord; have the say-so; administer (MargeWebley); see (that, to); boss about (Andrey Truhachev); dispose of; make a hackney of one (кем-л.); take the lead; steward (на мероприятиях Andrey Truhachev); mareschal; marshal; see to it that (with чтобы, something is done); be in charge of (with instr.); handle (with instr.); do with (money, property, etc.)
Gruzovik see that; deal with; run things; supervise; give orders; see to
Игорь Миг set the tone
amer. have the say
disappr., brit. order someone about (кем-либо; англ. выражение требует дополнения)
econ. be in command; be in one's power; arrange for something (давать указание); be in charge (руководить); instruct (давать указание); make arrangements (давать указание); manage (руководить); order (давать указание); run (руководить); give instructions (давать указание); command (давать указание); make an arrangement for (о чём-либо); arrange for something (о чём-либо)
el. moderate
idiom. throw one's weight around; call the shots (Anglophile)
law cause; dispose of (об имуществе); handle; dispose (об имуществе); command; determine (Alexander Matytsin); exercise discretionary control (over something mtovbin); deal with; apply (напр., полученными денежными средствами, направляя их на определенные потребности; только в контексте 4uzhoj); deal with (имуществом и т.п.) Section 37(3) extended that power [to grant an injunction] to restraining a party to any proceedings from ‘dealing with' assets within the jurisdiction. ‘Dealing with' includes disposing of, selling, pledging or charging an asset. CME); decide the (legal) fate (of; рабочий вариант для rus → eng в дополнение к exercise control и за неимением лучшего. Dispose of по-английски трактуется узко – только как отчуждение // 06.09.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
Makarov. play the master; throw one's weight about; throw one's weight around; deal with something (чем-либо); hold the balance; make arrangements; give instructions (давать указания)
Makarov., inf. boss about
notar. dispose of (property, things); manage (money)
obs. rule the roast (В.И.Макаров)
patents. initiate
road.wrk. dispose (иметь в распоряжении)
shipb. be in charge
slang pull rank (MichaelBurov)
распоряжать v
Gruzovik, obs. manage; order; deal with; arrange
obs. deal (with)
: 187 phrases in 25 subjects
Bookish / literary1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development8
Human rights activism1
International transportation1
Notarial practice1
Occupational health & safety1
Quotes and aphorisms1
United Nations1