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gen. disappointingly
gen. anticlimactic; frustrating; frustrative; not comforting; disenchanting
idiom. all sizzle and no steak
inf. dusty; cracked up to be
relig. discouraging
| новостью
gen. news
| является
gen. constitute
| то, что
 то, что
Makarov. the fact that

verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
разочаровывать vstresses
gen. disappoint; disenchant; disillusion; let down; chagrin; sophisticate; balk; disillusionize; disaffect (someone bigmaxus); underwhelm (MichaelBurov); chill; deflate; burst one's bubble (КГА); bum out (To sadden one or cause one to feel disappointed. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "bum" and "out." : I can't watch the news because it always bums me out vogeler); disabuse; uncharm; undeceive; unspell
brit. let the side down (окружающих своим поведением; to behave badly or do something that embarrasses or disappoints your family, friends etc Sonora)
idiom. rain on someone's parade (VLZ_58)
inf. deceive (преим.)
law deceive
Makarov. cast a damp over (кого-либо); let one's hair down
obs. unbewitch
psychol. frustrate
relig. discourage
разочаровывающий adj.
gen. anticlimactic; frustrating; frustrative; not comforting; disenchanting (Bullfinch)
idiom. all sizzle and no steak (о событии или человеке Fyrvaktare)
inf. dusty; not all it's cracked up to be (SirReal)
relig. discouraging
telecom. disappointing (oleg.vigodsky)
разочаровываться v
gen. lose heart; become disillusioned (with); give up (MichaelBurov); be disappointed (in, with)
Gruzovik be disappointed in/with (impf of разочароваться); become disillusioned with (impf of разочароваться)
inf. go off (Anyone else slowly going off Harry? joyand)
разочаровывающе adj.
gen. disappointingly (yakobson)
разочаровывающей: 26 phrases in 10 subjects
Figure of speech1