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verb | verb | to phrases
разозлить vstresses
gen. miff; get spunk up (кого-либо); make hackles rise; make cross (кого-либо); put monkey up (кого-либо); put in a fume (кого-либо); arouse Irish (кого-либо); get Irish up (кого-либо); nettle; get back up; put back up; put his monkey up (кого-либо); set back up; make someone angry (кого-либо); anger; infuriate; vex; gall; bring somebody to a boil (кого-либо Bullfinch); irritate; tease; make mad (He was trying to jar me, make me mad. ART Vancouver); rile up (Taras); put in a temper (кого-либо); put out of temper; get a rise out of (Tanya Gesse); ruffle some feathers (baletnica); get someone's Irish up (кого-либо); put someone's monkey up (кого-либо); drive someone over the edge (SirReal); put sb. out of temper
Gruzovik enrage (pf of злить); infuriate (pf of злить)
amer., Makarov. bring up someone's nap (кого-либо); get up someone's nap (кого-либо)
fig. draw blood (Bullfinch); bring to the boil (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. drive one up the wall (Interex); rattle someone's cage (Tanyaderkach); have someone's blood up (Bobrovska); get under someone's skin (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
inf. wind someone up (кого-либо ilma_r); get on someone's bad side (кого-либо NGGM); push someone's buttons (You really knew how to push my buttons. VLZ_58); stick in someone's throat (Ремедиос_П); tee off (Andrey Truhachev); get (It got to me. joyand); steam up; tick off (MichaelBurov)
jarg. cross someone's bows (кого-либо Bobrovska)
Makarov. arouse someone's Irish (кого-либо); get someone's Irish up (кого-либо); get someone's back up (кого-либо); get someone's goat (кого-либо); make someone cross (кого-либо); put someone in a temper (кого-либо); get someone's blood up (кого-либо); get someone's dander up (кого-либо); get up nap; make angry; make someone burn with anger (кого-либо); make someone's hackles rise (кого-либо); put someone's back up (кого-либо); put into rage; set someone's back up (кого-либо); put someone out of temper (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. get on the wrong side of (someone – кого-либо); steam up
rude put a bug up someone's ass (george serebryakov); piss off (One woman told protesters they weren’t helping win public sympathy with their actions. “You’re angering people," she said. “No one’s going to leave here going ‘Let’s support these guys.’ You’re pissing us off.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
slang burn; chill (кого-то); get one's dander up; burn up; get one's goat (Статья должна называться "get one's goat" – You got my goat! – Ты меня достал/разозлил! mahavishnu); steam (кого-либо; She steamed him by being two hours late. Она разозлила его прибыв на два часа позже. Interex); tee off (кого-либо Interex); bitch someone off (кого-либо; You really bitch me off, do you know that. Знаешь, ты меня очень разозлил. Interex); brass someone off (кого-либо Interex); frost (кого-либо; That really frosts me. Это реально разозлило меня. Interex)
разозлиться v
gen. be blown up with rage; get sore; lose one's cool; lose one's temper; miff; wax angry; turn nasty; get one's monkey up; throw a fit; be miffed with about; be wild with (на кого-либо); become livid; get blood up; get dander up; get a miff; get shirty; get uptight; lose cool; lose hair; lose rag; lose shirt; lose wig; get back up; lose wool; get monkey up; grab for altitude; fly into a passion; put back up; set back up; cut up nasty; cut up rough; cut up savage; go on the shout; have a miff; fly into a temper (Taras); get furious; bristle; get mad (bolton926); go off; throw a strop (AnnaOchoa); be angry (with); be in a bad temper; be irritated; be mad; jump off the deep end (Taras); be get on one's hind legs; be miffed with someone about at, something (надуться, на кого-либо, за что-либо); be wild with (someone – на кого-либо); get angry (SirReal); become angry (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik be angry with (pf of злиться); be irritated (pf of злиться)
austral., slang drop one's bundle; go through the roof
brit. get narky; loose one's rag (Wakeful dormouse)
busin. get angry with (smb, на кого-л.)
fig. get one's hackles up (capricolya)
fig., poetic rage (of a storm)
Gruzovik, fig. rage of a storm (pf of злиться)
humor. be on hind legs; get on one's hind legs
idiom. get pissed (April May)
inf. get one's rag out; get one's jaws tight; mad; go wild (Yeldar Azanbayev); go haywire (Yeldar Azanbayev); get sore (от обиды – US informal: get angry because you feel you have been unfairly treated: "Why don't you get sore?" "Nothing to get sore about. I'm just listening to you hate yourself. It's boring but it doesn't hurt my feelings." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); have a strop (Ремедиос_П); go crackers (Extremely angry: ‘when he saw the mess he went crackers' Bullfinch); be set up (Andrey Truhachev); flame out (Mary's temper flamed out. – Мэри разозлилась. VLZ_58)
Makarov. cut up rusty; get into a pet; get one's back up; go in off the deep end; go off at the deep end; go off the deep end; take the pet; turn rusty; blow one's top; be nasty; bristle up; burst into anger; fly off the handle; get into a state; get nasty; get oneself into a state; run hot; work oneself into a state
Makarov., amer. hit the roof
Makarov., new.zeal., austral. lose
Makarov., slang be one's nut; do one's nut; go off one's nut
rude get rag out
slang burn; flare up; flip one's lid; flip out (Taras); get one's dander up; get one's jaws tight; steam; tilt (в киберспорте и покере ThirtyFirst); see red; come unstrung (Interex); lose one's religion (VLZ_58)
vulg. get one's ass in an uproar; get one's shit hot; get a hair up one's ass; get the butt; raise hell; shit a top-block; shit blue
разозлённый prtc.
gen. livid (VLZ_58); cranky (Taras)
Игорь Миг irate
brit. crossed (I'm so crossed they locked my bruv chiefcanelo)
idiom. eat one's young (Interex)
inf. aerated (Брит. неформ. T)
Makarov. fuming; like a bear with a sore head
slang miffedy; miffed
разозлится v
gen. blow the roof (Dmitry1928); heat the ceiling (Dmitry1928)
разозлившись v
gen. out of anger ("Cole says he texted the premier out of anger, particularly over the cuts to autism funding. He says his two sons are directly affected by the changes." (News 1130) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг in a huff
разозлившийся prtc.
idiom. come unhinged (To become angered or crazy; to lose control of one's senses or sanity. Interex)
slang sore
разозлить кого-л v
idiom., brit. give someone the pip (make someone angry or depressed КГА)
: 89 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling2
Chat and Internet slang1
Cliche / convention1
Journalism terminology1