
   Russian English
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gen. understand; puzzle out; study out; take in; make sense; grapple
| демонтировать
fig. dismantle
| убрать
gen. put out of commission

verb | verb | to phrases
разобраться vstresses
разобраться с; разобраться в; разделаться; выяснить
gen. understand; puzzle out; study out (в чём-либо); take in; make sense (izet); grapple (with bookworm); get to the bottom (of something – в чем-то q3mi4); handle (Tanya Gesse); sort through (bk); find way around (find one's way around something Баян); clear up a mess (в проблемах); get a handle on (I can't quite get a handle on the way this machine works. rechnik); get something straightened out (с чем-либо ART Vancouver); get things straight (So let me get things straight, if I go on Thursday I can't come back till Saturday? SirReal); get into (We're going to get into this but first tell me about your background, like where you were born. – Мы ещё разберёмся с этим ... ART Vancouver); check into (something Tamerlane); get through (с кем-либо); get sth. taken care of (с чем-либо: Please email us an invoice and we will get it taken care of. – мы с ним разберёмся ART Vancouver); discuss; dismantle; pull down; strip; take apart; take down; disassemble; disjoint; manage; throw into relief (Asterite); gain insight (вникнуть в суть и подробно проанализировать, изучить и понять Alex_Odeychuk); grasp; unpack; be well informed; decode; take; get some perspective (Ремедиос_П); gain insight into (Andrey Truhachev); figure out what's what (Tanya Gesse); sort out (sort things out dreamcricket.com Tanya Gesse); investigate (С этим стоит разобраться. – It's certainly worth investigating. ART Vancouver); look into (с чем-либо, в чём-либо: It's a pretty confusing new system, we still have to look into it. | I will look into it. – Я разберусь с этим. ART Vancouver); deal (с кем-либо – with someone; как на словах, так и физически: Don't worry, I'll deal with him. He'll never hurt you again. Рина Грант); wrap it up around (с чем-то alikssepia); get the hang of (NLC); navigate (в чём-либо lexicographer); work out (until they worked out what works. VLZ_58); work it out (Tanya Gesse); get out in front of this thing (NumiTorum); address (How are you going to address this issue with...? Taras); get the hang of something (в чём-либо: It's not difficult once you get the hang of it vogeler); get intimate insight (NikSayko); have an understanding of; gain an understanding of; deal with; catch on; clear up the mess; get sth. across; have sb. taken care of (с кем-л.); make out (sth.)
Gruzovik go into; disperse; break up; go away
Игорь Миг see the light
amer. take somebody to the back of the barn (andreon); take somebody behind the gym (из речи Байдена о его отношении к Трампу andreon)
amer., slang get outside of (в вопросе и т.п.)
brit. sort someone out (с кем-либо; only British English: как на словах, так и физически: "Don't worry, I'll sort him out. He'll never hurt you again". Рина Грант)
busin. explore (MichaelBurov); look into the matter of (MichaelBurov); survey (MichaelBurov); examine (MichaelBurov)
fig., inf. fill (with); seize (with); overcome
gram. analyze; parse
Gruzovik, inf. cope with; manage; undress oneself
hist. disentangle (sever_korrespondent)
idiom. be on to (Interex); get one's head round (owant); get up to speed (jouris-t); cover the territory (закончить обсуждение какого-либо вопроса: With respect to criminal investigation, we have covered the territory. – Итак, с уголовным расследованием мы разобрались. 4uzhoj); get one's head around (Jill's mother had a baby girl after Jill had baby Jimmy, so Jimmy now has an auntie who is younger than him! That's weird. It took me a while to get my head around that. Баян); have a good look at sth (с чем-либо: "Have you had a chance to look at the report?" "Yes, I've had a good look at it." ART Vancouver); wrap one's head around (I was attempting to wrap my head around this whole thing – Я пытался во всем этом разобраться Taras)
inf. figure out (Can you help me figure that out? – Помогите мне в этом разобраться. ART Vancouver); get outside of (в вопросе и т. п.); get a sense (Анна Ф); get someone's number (в ком-либо otlichnica_po_jizni); choose; cope (with); pick (out); have a bone to pick with (someone – с кем-либо DUPLESSIS); get to (с кем-либо RangerRus); be fastidious; select; make away (with someone – с кем-либо; =покончить 4uzhoj); wrap one's head around (You'll need time to wrap your head around the new functionality of this mobile phone. Баян); get something settled (VLZ_58); action (bbc.co.uk olga69); put one’s things away (after a trip)
Makarov. get into (с); make out (в чём-либо); puzzle out (в чём-либо); straighten out (в чём-либо); study out; talk out (путем переговоров; to resolve a problem by talking about it: We could have talked this out by now.); work things out
Makarov., inf., amer. get outside of (с проблемой)
math. clear up
navig. make out
obs. put in order
psychol. make out (с трудом)
scient. decipher (в чём-либо сложном A.Rezvov)
slang unscramble (в чем-то, с чем-то)
разобрать v
разбирать; разобрать на части
gen. strip down (механизм, оружие: They completely stripped down the engine. • The quick release is quite an innovative feature that aids in stripping down the gun for cleaning and maintenance.); take to pieces (что-либо); fordo (машину); grab up (tfennell); break up a set; dismantle; review; try; take; sort; strip; pull down; investigate; inquire into; analyze; parse; decipher (something written); sort out; buy up; demount; disassemble; sit; break down (на части); spell out (обыкн. с трудом); study out; take down (машину и т. п.); get through; untie; untwine; take to pieces; declutter (tannin); tear down (myroslava); demolish (демонтировать – дом, стену и т.п.); go over (Inna Oslon); make out (It's the only thing I could make out. • All I could make out of what he was saying to me was something along the lines of "hey" or "what the fuck." 4uzhoj); read (напр., написанное, выражение на лице и т. д.: I tried pressing the buttons, but the pixels were so faint I couldn't read what was written on the screen. • With the bright light behind him, she couldn't read his expression, but she braced herself and approached him. 4uzhoj); untwist; unty; look into; go through; make out (sth.); discern; get sth. across; understand
Gruzovik disjoint; discuss; decode
Игорь Миг snatch up (товар ); get to the bottom of; figure out; delve into
auto. break up
combust. undo (машину)
comp. unmake
construct. take down
energ.ind. unhook (электросхему Kastorka)
fig., inf. fill (with); seize (with); overcome
gram. analyse
Gruzovik, inf. overcome; fill with; seize with
Gruzovik, obs. put in order
Gruzovik, police investigate a charge
inf. pick (out); select; unscramble; be fastidious; choose; of an emotion seize; come over; stop to choose; take time to choose
inf., explan. scoop up (товар)
IT unbind
Makarov. buy up (раскупить); sort out (рассортировать); take apart (на части – механизм и т. п.); pull down (демонтировать – дом, стену и т. п.); trace
math. examine; take apart
nautic. take asunder
O&G lay down (Yeldar Azanbayev)
obs. unwreath; unwreathe
oil nipple down
psychol. catch (слово linton)
tech. disassemble (механизм Val_Ships); take apart (на части Val_Ships); dismantle (механизм Val_Ships); take to pieces (на части Val_Ships); strip down (на части Val_Ships)
textile dissect (образец)
разберёмся v
inf. I'll work something out (в знач. "я что-нибудь придумаю" 4uzhoj)
Разберёмся! v
inf. We'll get it all sorted out! (Soulbringer)
 Russian thesaurus
разобраться v
slang схватиться (с кем-то MichaelBurov); подраться (с кем-то MichaelBurov)
: 518 phrases in 61 subjects
Administrative law1
American usage, not spelling6
Aviation medicine1
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention10
Contextual meaning1
Data processing1
Explanatory translation1
Humorous / Jocular1
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering1
Notarial practice3
Obsolete / dated1
Occupational health & safety1
Oil and gas2
Quotes and aphorisms1
Rail transport1