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gen. chafe; fume; get hot; lose temper; annoy; become irritated
idiom. go through the roof
| пассажир
gen. passenger

verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
раздражённый prtc.stresses
gen. vexed (Taras); rattled (Ремедиос_П); annoyed; edgy; hot; sore; warm; wild; browned off; on edge; disgruntled; exasperated; fretted; nattered; riley; brittle; huffy; nettled by something (чем-либо); nettled with something (чем-либо); chuffed; rubbed; frustrated (zhekin); querulous (Aly19); snippy (Дмитрий_Р); distempered; irritable; out of temper; bilious (bigmaxus); annoyed about something (чем-то); irritated with something (чем-то); wound up (very worried, nervous or angry: He gets very wound up before an important match Taras); agitated (кем-то или чем-то Irulea); uptight (из работы З. Трофимовой "Словарь новых слов и значений в английском языке" I. Havkin); crank; cranky (Why are you so cranky today? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed‌‌? Taras); cross; spleenful; vexated (HolgaISQ); irate; wroth; annoyed at (чем-л., кем-л.); annoyed with (чем-л., кем-л.); displeased; angry; roily; stressed out (вследствие нагрузки/стресса ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг vitriolic
amer. agro (Taras); ticked (VLZ_58)
austral., inf. snitchy
austral., slang fit to be tied; hot under the collar; pissed off; ropable; snakey; wally
book. acerbate
cliche. All bent out of shape (Interex)
fish.farm. irritated (dimock)
inf. shirty; peeved; cheesed-off; magged; nattery; ticked off (about ART Vancouver); fussy britches (alexptyza); keyed (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., engl. aerated
low pissed
Makarov. heated; all on edge; around the bend
med. nervous (Andrey Truhachev)
obs. imbittered
obs., poetic exasperated
psychol. impatient; vexed
rel., budd. acetbate; exasperate
slang browned-off; cheesed off; hung; in a huff; ratty; in a twit (Interex); jacked out (Interex); hacked; peeve; jacked (out); sore ("I see no need to be so hostile about it," Spencer said in an executive sort of voice. (…) I didn't know whether he was trying to stooge for me or was just sore. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
slang, Makarov. aggravated
UK mardy (appearing a little mardy, with no sign of a smile Olya34)
uncom. owly (Pashtalian)
vulg. bummed out; hell-roarious; peed off; peeved as asshole; peeved as assholes; red-assed; shat; brassed off; fucked off; hacked off; miffed; naffed off; narky; narked
welln. upset (upset skin sankozh)
раздражить v
gen. irritate (the skin, eyes, etc.); huff; nark; vex; annoy; anger; disgruntle; embitter; exacerbate; gall; nag; needle; nettle; peeve; shake up; get under the skin; stimulate; exasperate; rile; displease (Она знала, что её приход ночью, в необычное время, раздражит его. wiktionary.org)
inf. aggravate
obs. irk
physiol. innervate
раздражиться v
gen. chafe; fume; get hot; lose one's temper; annoy; become irritated; fret; get annoyed
Gruzovik, med. become inflamed (pf of раздражаться)
idiom. go through the roof (z484z)
Makarov. get irritated
med. become inflamed; stimulate; irritate
раздражён adj.
Игорь Миг is peeved
раздражена adj.
Игорь Миг is peeved
with somebody / something раздражённый adj.
vulg. pissed off
раздражённый: 135 phrases in 16 subjects
Mass media5
Military lingo1
Scottish usage1
South African1