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раздражительный adj.stresses
gen. irritable; touchy; apoplectic; bad-tempered; bilious; bitchy; fretful; irascible; petulant; testy; snappish; sour; chippy; choleric; crabbed; crabby; doggish; edgy; fractious; grumpy; huffish; huffy; impatient; jumpy; livery; peevish; peppery; pettish; quicktempered; sharp (о характере); snappy; snotty; splenetic; techy; tetchy; waspish; capernoited; carnaptious; humoursome; magged; rebarbative; short-tempered; snorty; sorehead; spleeny; tantrumy; twitchy; atrabilious; crotchety; ornery; quick-tempered; shirty; snooty; spiky; spunky; quarrelsome; quick to anger; grumpish; highty-tighty; hoity-toity; peppered; pricky; sore; warm; crab; hot-headed (Anglophile); sharp-tempered (Anglophile); stroppy (Lascutik); bad tempered; criss cross; highty tighty; short tempered; gingery; ill-tempered; atrabiliary; nervous (Lanita2); crusty; rusty; spleenful; raspy; fretty; intolerant (Lanita2); liverish (adivinanza); hot livered; passionate; warm headed; capricious; sour-tempered (Сергей Корсаков); cantankerous (Mosley Leigh); agitable; cranky; inflammable (VLZ_58); tweaky (sea holly); spitfire (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik stimulating
amer. froggy (Taras); grouty; rambunctious
austral., inf. lemony
austral., slang wet
dial. uppish
idiom. brass-necked (Interex)
inf. scrappy (george serebryakov); snuffy; streaky; liverish; fussy britches (alexptyza)
inf., dial. patchy
Makarov. criss-cross; prickly
med. querulent (о пациенте); querulous (о пациенте)
obs. pheesy; resentive; splenitive
perf. irritant
scottish crankous; crabbit (Yerkwantai)
slang cranky (Interex); ratty; chuffed; feisty; gritchy (Interex); chippy (с похмелья)
uncom. owly (Pashtalian)
vulg. pissed on a nettle
раздражительно adv.
gen. biliously; grumpily; in a temper; with irritation; in irritation; nervously ('More); irascibly; passionately; testily; fretfully (gvkhome); grumblingly; peevishly; petulantly (Aly19); grouchily (in a way that shows you are annoyed and ready to complain: No, I don't like it – I never have," he said, grouchily. • "Thanks for nothing," she muttered grouchily. mikcanada)
Gruzovik irritably
obs. pettishly; waspishly
: 59 phrases in 11 subjects
Uncommon / rare2