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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
раздражающее adj.stresses
gen. rasper
Gruzovik irritant
раздражать v
gen. bait; despite; disaffect; distemper; inflame; set on fire; tease; urge; vex; annoy; anger; arouse (кого-либо); aggravate; grate on; rasp; disgruntle; displease; embitter; exacerbate; exasperate; fray; gall; grate; heat; jar; madden; nag; needle; nettle; peeve; roil; rouse; torment; try; shake up; enchafe; vellicate (щипками, уколами); acerbate; crab (кого-либо); exulcerate; harry; mag; thorn; tickle; venom; put someone's back up (кого-либо); set someone's back up (кого-либо); set someone's nerves on edge; chafe; get under the skin; rub the wrong way; get in hair (кого-либо); give the needle; give the pip (кого-либо); make nervous (кого-либо); rub the fur the wrong way; stick pins into (кого-либо); stroke the wrong way, to stroke fur the wrong way (кого-либо); stroke against the hair (кого-либо); stroke the wrong way, to stroke hair the wrong way (кого-либо); stroke the fur the wrong way; twist tail (кого-либо); jar (on, upon); envenom; exasperate (ранку, болячку); get down; herry; itch; jangle; prod; provoke; roughen; sour; spite; get goat (кого-либо); get under someone's skin (кого-либо); rough up the wrong way (кого-либо); wear on; get goat (сердить, кого-либо); rankle (Burdujan); cheese off; go against one's grain (Interex); irritate (the skin, eyes, etc.); huff; ruffle; nark; goad; get someone's back up; give someone a pain in the neck (кого-либо); give somebody a pain (кого-либо); give the needle to (someone – кого-либо); jar upon a person (кого-либо); stroke somebody the wrong way (кого-либо); stroke someone's hair the wrong way (кого-либо); inflame (I. Havkin); grind one's gears (AMlingua); jangle sb's nerves (ybelov); curdle; badger; discomfit; rub; torture; rough up (кого-либо); set nerves on edge (кого-либо); set teeth on edge; be annoying (he was annoying – он нас раздражал linton); get someone's back up (кого-либо); get up against; make angry; get across; burn someone's bacon (Ремедиос_П); antagonize; put out; disoblige; displeasure; niggle; offend; pique (чем-либо); tingle; touch; make a nuisance of oneself (VLZ_58); steam (кого-либо); bemad; stick in gullet (КГА); put on edge (VLZ_58); find annoying (I find all these notification sounds annoying. I wish I knew how I can turn them off. – Меня раздражают ... ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik annoy (impf of раздражить)
amer. ruffle (кого-либо; to make (someone) irritated, annoyed Val_Ships); kvetch (VLZ_58)
austral., slang crap off; get in someone's hair (кого-либо); give someone the irrits (кого-либо)
avia., med. incense
biol. exasperate (напр., кожу)
brit. do one's head in (LisLoki)
busin. annoy (smb, кого-л.); irritate
cinema stick out
dial. edge
fig. harrow (Vadim Rouminsky); fretting; tear; stroke the wrong way (кого-либо); stick in one's craw (You know what sticks in my craw? That she's such a hypocrite. В.И.Макаров)
foundr. wind up (VLZ_58)
idiom. get under someone's skin (кого-либо; Hiis laugh really gets under my skin. Val_Ships); drive someone up the wall (macrugenus); ruffle one's feathers (Taras); get up the nose (get up one's nose Баян); set someone's teeth on edge (кого-либо to produce a disagreeable or unpleasant sensation; to annoy or repel; – often used of sounds; as, the screeching of of the subway train wheels sets my teeth on edge. kiska-myau777); grind one's gears (It really grinds my gears when inconsiderate people litter. Interex); harsh one's mellow (Interex); set mouse's teeth on edge (кого-либо; (напр., скрипя пальцами по стеклу). That noise sets my teeth on edge! Tom's teeth were set on edge by the incessant screaming of the children. withoutpilot1); under my skin (пример: I can't stand him, he really gets under my skin loon); ruffle feathers (VLZ_58)
idiom., slang get up someone's nose (to annoy or irritate someone КГА); get up someone's nose (кого-либо); get up someone's nose (В.И.Макаров)
inf. make smb. sick (кого́-л.); get one's goat; get on someone's nerves; rub one the wrong way (I'm sorry. He just rubs me the wrong way. Побеdа); rile; get someone's goat; give the fidgets (кого-либо); crab-tree (кого-либо); crabber (кого-либо); tick off; rattle; get; get to (VLZ_58); stick in the craw (Paulichatte); torque off (joyand); hack off (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
jamaic.eng. bex (isouljah)
low piss someone off (Oxiplegatz)
Makarov. aggravate (кожу); fret; go against the grain; go against the hair; try temper (кого-либо); chafe against; chafe on; chafe upon; imbitter; give someone a pain in the neck (кого-либо); give someone the needle (кого-либо); grate upon; heat up; irritate (someone – кого-либо); jar on; jar on a person (кого-либо); jar upon; jar upon a person (кого-либо); put someone's back up (кого-либо); set someone's back up (кого-либо); set the nerves on edge; set the teeth on edge; stroke someone's fur the wrong way (кого-либо); stroke someone's hair the wrong way (кого-либо); stroke someone up the wrong way (кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. sore up
Makarov., inf. get it up someone's nose (кого-либо); make someone sick (кого-либо)
Makarov., slang drive someone up the wall (кого-либо)
med. stimulate
obs. haze (сумасбродными выходками, требованиями); hitchel; tarre; irk
physiol. innervate; excite
rel., budd. acetbate
scottish deave (Yerkwantai); fash
slang make sore (I had invested time and money in him, and three days in the icehouse, not to mention a slug on the jaw and a punch in the neck that I felt every time I swallowed. Now he was dead and I couldn't even give him back his five hundred bucks. That made me sore. It is always the little things that make you sore. (Raymond Chandler) – Это злило / раздражало меня. ART Vancouver); twist tits (NGGM); drive someone nuts (кого-либо; о небольшой проблеме; Пример: A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his fly. The bartender asks why it is there, to which the pirate replies "Yar, I do not know myself, but it's been driving me nuts" LyuFi); bug (кого-либо; This kind of thing really bugs me. Эта вещь раздражает меня. Всё это раздражает меня. Interex); get to (someone – кого-либо Interex); hack (кого-либо Interex); needle (кого-либо Interex); rank out (кого-либо Interex); creams my corn (It just creams my corn! vogeler); chap (кого-либо; I: didn't mean to chap you. Я не думал тебя разозлить. Interex); get in one's hair; rank; turn someone off; wig; bug; drive someone up the wall (=annoy Fateyeva); give someone a pain (Interex); piss me off (Александр_10); chap (кого-либо); taze (См. здесь: urbandictionary.com Polinotxka)
slang, amer. bite
slang, brit. mither (Andrey Truhachev)
uncom. hatchel; nip
uncom., inf. aggranoy
vulg. bitch off; bum somebody out (кого-либо); fuck somebody off; fuck with (someone – кого-либо); get on someone's wick one's (кого-либо); gripe someone's ass (кого-либо); make one's shit hang sideways; pee somebody off (кого-либо); piss somebody off (кого-либо); get on someone's wick; get one's mad up; rag
раздражаться v
gen. lose ones temper; chafe; fume; exacerbate; exulcerate; fret; grizzle; get one's bowels in an uproar; be ticked off; bite thumbs; get the pip; get hot; get into a huff; wear on; get worked up (Anglophile); annoy; become irritated; huff; madden; feel bitter (Andrey Truhachev); be bitter (feeling or showing anger, hurt, or resentment because of bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment Andrey Truhachev); work oneself up into lather (ad_notam); work oneself up into a sweat (ad_notam); get frustrated (feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something (MacMillan Dictionary): So I'm sitting on a street in Burnaby behind a guy who is parallel parking on the right hand side of the road and he's looking over his left shoulder while he's doing this and people wonder why I get frustrated with how people drive. (Twitter) -- почему меня раздражает то, как ART Vancouver); be ticked off; get cranky (Taras); get flustered (juribt); fall to rancour (Mr. Wolf); fester; gall; pelt and chafe; smoke; be irritable; get irritable
Gruzovik get annoyed (impf of раздражиться); become irritated (impf of раздражиться)
Игорь Миг be on a mean streak; go crazy
amer., slang blow a fuse
brit. get in a strop (BroKE)
ed. hump the back
fig. fretting
Gruzovik, med. become inflamed (impf of раздражиться)
inf. get miffed (Andrey Truhachev); get one's knickers in a twist (If someone is getting their knickers in a twist about something, they are getting annoyed or upset about it without good reason. КГА)
Makarov. heat; chafe at; chafe under; be edgy; be in a temper; be maddened; get annoyed (злиться); get one's bowels in an uproar; get going; get irritated (злиться)
Makarov., fig.of.sp. hump up the back
med. become inflamed; stimulate; irritate
slang get edgy; get the spike; put out
раздражающий adj.
gen. annoying; acrid; trying; grating; irritative; provocative; aggravating; displeasing; exasperating; nerve-racking; nettlesome; burdensome; galling; irksome; jarring; vexatious; vexatious to (someone – кого-либо); irritatory; nerve-wracking (неверно, см. пример: While one might think having a second witness to the weird object would provide some level of reassurance, Reyes mused that "it was a little more nerve-wracking that someone also saw what I saw." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver); tormenting; nerve racking; nerve wracking; puckery; disagreeable (MichaelBurov); unpleasant (MichaelBurov); troublesome (MichaelBurov); provoking; off-putting (I find his manner a bit off-putting – Его манера [говорить] кажется мне несколько отталкивающей vogeler); eggy (espina)
Игорь Миг mischievous (о неуместной шутке, спорном комментарии, сомнительной остроте и проч.)
austral. on the nose
austral., slang a pain in the arse
biol. excitant
bot. irritating (лат. irritans)
construct. discontenting
Gruzovik, chem. caustic; corrosive
hi-fi tizzy (термин для описания характера звучания с излишней энергией верхних высоких частот. Этот вид окрашивания называют также зернистостью)
inf. pain in the neck; tryin'
Makarov. abrasive (о человеке); harsh (о цвете, свете и т.п.)
med. amyctic; irritant; revellent; stimulating
obs. incensive
perf. irritating
slang ructions; pesky (Interex); wipe-out (Interex); sore
vulg. piss-taking; ratshit
раздражающе adj.
gen. tormentingly; abrasively (AlexP73); gallingly (Bartek2001); annoyingly; provokingly
emph. maddeningly
Makarov. harshly
раздражает v
gen. frustrating (this is so frustrating! – это меня так раздражает! Beloshapkina)
раздражая v
Игорь Миг to the vexation of
обыкн. on раздражать v
gen. grater
Раздражать v
gen. cool out (Alexsword92)
что-либо раздражающее adj.
vulg. piss-taking
: 406 phrases in 51 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Aviation medicine3
Computer games1
Firefighting and fire-control systems2
Humorous / Jocular1
Life sciences1
Low register1
Mass media13
Material safety data sheet2
Medical appliances8
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Occupational health & safety4
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Proper and figurative1
Security systems15
Textile industry1
Thermal engineering1
Uncommon / rare2
Weapons of mass destruction12