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gen. spiel (Taras); spread; circumlocutionize; earbash; elocute; declaim; expatiate; vaporize; vapour; verbalize; editorialize; vapor; vapour about; bloviate (Natasha_kom); pontificate (Anglophile); chatter (MargeWebley); pay lip service (MargeWebley); bang on (joyand); spruik (Pippy-Longstocking); resort to rhetoric (Taras); spout forth (КГА); sound off (Taras); prate (kriemhild); pan; vaticinate; effuse (Palmirov); spout; prattle (kriemhild); hold forth (He was busy holding forth on the pleasures of travel; Barbara loved to hold forth on the latest discoveries in astronomy Taras); harangue; wax (eugenealper); perorate; branch out; discant ("He used to descant critically on the dishes which had been at table" (James Boswell) thefreedictionary.com Savielia)
Игорь Миг philosophize
fig.of.sp. gush
Gruzovik, inf. speak at length
humor. orate; talk big; talk too much
humor., contempt. oratorize
inf. rabbit on; oration; rabbit about; speak at length; go on about (Shakermaker); mouth off (Nrml Kss); spout off (Olya34); ramble on (If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.: He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian. Andrey Truhachev); hold forth
ironic. speechify
Makarov. let rip; expatiate upon (на какую-либо тему); spread oneself; talk profusely; be on (about)
Makarov., derog. hold forth (часто)
Makarov., inf. keep on (о чём-либо); rabbit about (на какую-либо тему); rabbit on (на какую-либо тему); gush over
media. spout off rhetoric (bigmaxus); spout rhetoric (bigmaxus)
slang beat gums; beat the drum; beat chops
: 41 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated1