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verb | verb | to phrases
развалить vstresses
gen. disintegrate (Россию triumfov); pull down; roll out (dough); spread (manure); tear down; wreck
Игорь Миг screw up; be undoing
disappr. create a mess (“She [Kamala Harris] is honestly useless,” Flores said. “I don’t know why she’s in that position. She hasn’t been here in south Texas to see what their policies are creating, the mess that they’re creating in our country, and that their policies are hurting real people.” ART Vancouver)
fig. ruin; make a mess of; spoil; mess up
Gruzovik, inf. cut through (pf of разваливать)
inf. break up; cut (through); cut up; divide; slash; lay open (Vadim Rouminsky)
Makarov. pull apart
product. give out (Yeldar Azanbayev)
развалиться v
gen. dilapidate; loll; sprawl; fall to pieces; fall apart; recline at ease (на диване и т. п.); go scat (на куски); go blooey (Suddenly, all my plans went blooey. Внезапно все мои планы развалились. Interex); go flooey (Interex); slouch (на сиденьи, в кресле и т.п. businehooya); slouch in seat (на сиденьи, в кресле и т.п. businehooya); bust up (plushkina); fall down; tumble down; come tumbling down (capricolya); collapse (In the quarter-century since the Soviet Union collapsed, U.S.-Russia relations have been tenuous. Mosley Leigh); soss (на кресле); drop through; come to pieces
Игорь Миг fall through
amer. give way (Those wooden steps are old, and I'm afraid one of them will give way. Val_Ships)
fig. break down; go to pot
idiom. go south (...causes the sluggish economy to go south. VLZ_58)
inf. lounge; sprawl out
law burst wide open (о деле в суде Val_Ships)
Makarov. go all to pieces; go all to rack and ruin; go all to smash; go to pieces; go to rack and ruin; go to smash; go to the devil; come apart (на части); pull apart; sprawl about
Makarov., inf., engl., obs. go west
полностью развалиться v
inf. crash and burn (The company crashed and burned after less than a year Tamerlane)
разваленный prtc.
gen. collapsed
развалиться о браке v
slang go sour about marriage (maxmets)
: 77 phrases in 17 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Foreign policy1
Intelligence and security services2
Mechanic engineering1
Procedural law1