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разбежаться vstresses
gen. take a run; of thoughts, etc to be scattered; pick up speed; run up; start wandering; scatter away (But the seagulls all scattered away in fright when another solitary motorcycle roared past. sankozh); disband; scatter (the panic spread and the crowd scattered in all directions Рина Грант); disperse (The soldiers abandoned their positions, and dispersed. 4uzhoj); disperse; run at top speed; make a running start
Gruzovik of thoughts, etc be scattered (pf of разбега́ться); run up (pf of разбега́ться); pick up speed (pf of разбега́ться); of thoughts, etc start wandering (pf of разбега́ться)
inf. scamper about; start running about; break up (расстаться: They’d broken up in spring 2002 because he’d cheated on her. Abysslooker)
Makarov. fetch feeze; run up (брать разбег); take feeze; scurry away; scurry off
разбежался v
gen. Buckle my shoe (мадина юхаранова)
emph. like hell ("You're coming with me!" "Like hell I am!" VLZ_58)
inf. not so fast (VLZ_58); no way (VLZ_58); nothing doing (VLZ_58); no sir (Telecaster)
разбежался! v
gen. Dream on! (ирон. Рина Грант)
inf. fat chance (в знач. "держи карман шире" 4uzhoj)
Ага, разбежался! v
gen. you wish! (- I'll beat you next time. – You wish! Taras)
: 54 phrases in 6 subjects
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