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gen. public offer (It is a method of flotation in which a company issues shares to the public at large, including private and institutional investors. London Stock Exchange Glossary Alexander Demidov); option contract (An option contract, or simply option, is defined as "a promise which meets the requirements for the formation of a contract and limits the promisor's power to revoke an offer." Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 25 (1981). An option contract is a type of contract that protects an offeree from an offeror's ability to revoke the contract. Consideration for the option contract is still required as it is still a form of contract. Typically, an offeree can provide consideration for the option contract by paying money for the contract or by providing value in some other form such as by rendering other performance or forbearance. See consideration for more information. WK – АД); offer to the general public (What If the Offer Was an Offer To the General Public? Offers to the public at large, such as advertisements, contests, or competitions, can still be considered valid contracts despite the fact that there is typically no notice of acceptance. When the offer is public, performance is enough to satisfy acceptance. What is an example of an offer to the general public? The offer of a reward, by an advertisement, is the most NB example of an offer to the general public. Subsection (6) provides that a notification of revocation of an offer to the general public has to be given by the same means as used in the offer (unless the ... An Offer To The General Public Or The World At Large Where an offer is communicated the general public or the world at large, it does not mean the offeror ... Alexander Demidov); public tender offer (Федеральный закон "Об акционерных обществах" (Об АО) от 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ: Лицо, которое имеет намерение приобрести более 30 процентов общего количества обыкновенных акций и привилегированных акций открытого общества, предоставляющих право голоса в соответствии с пунктом 5 статьи 32 настоящего Федерального закона, с учетом акций, принадлежащих этому лицу и его аффилированным лицам, вправе направить в открытое общество публичную оферту, адресованную акционерам – владельцам акций соответствующих категорий © КонсультантПлюс, 1992-2014 consultant.ru Homebody); firm offer (A firm offer is an offer that will remain open for a certain period or until a certain time or happening of a certain event, during which it is incapable of being revoked. As a general rule, all offers are revocable at any time prior to acceptance, even those offers that purport to be irrevocable on their face. WK. in contract law, an offer (usually in writing) which states it may not be withdrawn, revoked or amended for a specific period of time. If the offer is accepted without a change during that period, there is a firm, enforceable contract. (See: contract, offer, acceptance) thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); option contract (Alexander Demidov)
econ. public offer (dimock)
law public offering (mairev)
публичная оферта
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects