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психические расстройства
 психическое расстройство
med. abalienation; phrenopathy; psychonosema; aberration; derangement; mental distress
| и
gen. and
| расстройства поведения
 расстройство поведения
med. behavioral disorder

to phrases
психическое расстройствоstresses
gen. thought disorder; psychological disorder (fullysmiling); psychiatric disturbance
Игорь Миг bio-chemical imbalance
avia. psychotic breakdown; psychotic disorder; psychological disability (The Disability Discrimination Act (1992) defines psychological disability as "any condition which affects a person's thought processes, understanding of reality, emotions or judgement or which results in disturbed behaviour, for example, a person with a psychological disability, neurosis or personality disorder" sankozh)
avia., med. alienation; mental alienation
busin. mental disturbance
idiom. a few sandwiches short of a picnic (Interex)
law mental derangement; mental insanity; unsound mind; mental disease; unsoundness; unsoundness of mind
Makarov. derangement of mind; mental trouble
med. abalienation; phrenopathy; psychonosema; aberration; derangement; mental distress; mental impairment (yo); mental disorder (any illness with significant psychological or behavioral manifestations that is associated with either a painful or distressing symptom or an impairment in one or more important areas of functioning. Brit Alexander Demidov); mental aberration (A deviation in mental function. Wikt Alexander Demidov); mental health condition (grafleonov); psychiatric disorder; psychic disorder; psychotic break
med., inf. emotional illness
psychiat. psychiatric condition (Dimpassy); psychiatric problem
psychol. mental illness; psychogenic disorder (нарушение)
psychopathol. mental affliction (Andrey Truhachev)
sec.sys. mental instability
tech. mental affection
психические расстройства
gen. mental health issues (people with mental health issues ART Vancouver)
psychiat. psychosocial disabilities (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
psychol. cripplings of the psyche (freedomanna)
психические расстройство
gen. mental problems (driven)
контекст. психические расстройства
gen. dementia (как общий термин Lily Snape)
Психические расстройства
inet. Psychiatric disorders (Example: Psychiatric disorders may also be present in these patients. (Возможный перевод: Психические расстройства могут также наблюдаться (или присутствовать, или быть) у этих пациентов. Пазенко Георгий)
психические расстройства
: 101 phrase in 12 subjects
Aviation medicine5
British usage, not spelling1
Military lingo1