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verb | verb | to phrases
протирать vstresses
gen. rub a hole (in); unseal (глаза); wear holes in; wipe clean; rub clean; rub; wipe; clean; fray; wear (a hole in something); wipe out (внутри); pulp; pulpify; rice (овощи); mop (шваброй, тж. mop down, mop up, mop out); scuff (при частом физ соприкосновении портить поверхность чего-либо; Her crew-cut bodyguard looked me up and down, clearly horrified at the prospect of this grubby journalist scuffing the beautiful cream leather interior of her Maserati lulic); rub through (сквозь сито и т.п.); grate; rub a hole (in); wear into holes; absterge; cream (овощи и т.п.); mop up (шваброй В.И.Макаров)
auto. mash
construct. scuff
cook. strain
leath. frazzle
Makarov. mop out (шваброй); wear down; wear out (изнашивать); wipe down; scour
math. wipe off
mil. swab
polygr. sponge
scub. wipe out (изнутри)
tech. clean by rubbing; rub through; wear out by rubbing; wear out; wear through; lap (инструмент)
torped. wipe out
протираться v
gen. fray; ravel out; clean; get frayed; grate; push way through; rub; rub a hole (in); rub through; wear into holes; wear out by rubbing; wear through; wipe (dry); frazzle; ravel (о ткани); be worn through
Gruzovik push one's way through (impf of протереться); wear through (impf of протереться); wear into holes (impf of протереться); get frayed (impf of протереться); insinuate oneself (impf of протереться); worm oneself into (impf of протереться)
inf. insinuate oneself; worm oneself into
Makarov. wear down; wear out; wear thin
textile rave (о ткани); wear
протираемый prtc.
gen. swabable (который можно протирать/подтирать/чистить coltuclu)
: 70 phrases in 10 subjects
Contextual meaning1
Ice hockey2