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verb | verb | to phrases
просчитаться vstresses
gen. miscount; overreach oneself; pray without one's beads; back the wrong horse; bring one's eggs to a bad market; play the wrong card; bring eggs to a bad market; play a wrong card; run the wrong hare; be off; pray without beads; bet on the wrong horse (Сomandor); back up the wrong horse; count (up); recount; get one's calculation wrong (Novoross); miscalculate; reckon without one's host; bring one's hogs to the wrong market; misestimate (Andrey Truhachev); misjudge (something Andrey Truhachev); bring hogs to a bad market; make a bad bet (diyaroschuk)
Gruzovik make an error in counting (pf of просчитываться)
Игорь Миг make a blunder
amer. miss a figure
idiom. get more than one bargained for (get less... VLZ_58); fall flat on face (Taras); slip a cog (Bobrovska)
ironic. pigs to a pretty market; bring eggs to a fair market; drive pigs to a fine market
Makarov. back a wrong horse; bring one's hogs to a bad market; bring one's hogs to the wrong market; reckon without one's host; bring one's eggs to the wrong market; bring one's pigs to a bad market; bring one's pigs to the wrong market
Makarov., ironic. drive pigs to a pretty market; bring one's eggs to a fine market; bring one's pigs to a fine market; bring one's pigs to a pretty market
Игорь Миг, inf. blow it
просчитать v
gen. estimate (Andrew Goff); count (up); recount; see right through someone, some fake plan (Tanya Gesse)
Gruzovik count up/for a certain time (pf of просчитывать); make an error in counting
Игорь Миг factor in
inf. figure out in advance (У него всё просчитано. He's got the whole thing worked out in advance.; предусмотреть все возможные варианты развития событий to foresee all the possible consequences in advance and act accordingly); work out in advance; size up (ситуацию и т. п.)
phys. miscount
: 32 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Energy industry2
Foreign policy1
Gold mining2