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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. oversleep (We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept. • Suddenly she woke up and realized she had overslept.); miss; slumber away; oversleep oneself; outsleep; sleep through (It's a great romantic movie but my husband slept through it. Can you imagine? ART Vancouver); sleep away; spill; intersperse (with); snore (какое-то время, обыкн. snore away, snore out); sleep out; sleep away (to sleep the day away – проспать весь день); oversleep one's self; sleep (for a certain length of time)
Gruzovik sleep for a certain time (pf of просыпать)
fig. be asleep at the switch (упустить Alexey Lebedev); be asleep at the wheel (упустить Alexey Lebedev)
idiom. sleep through the alarm clock (Acruxia)
inf. strew between
Makarov. sleep over
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gen. sleep the fumes of wine away; sleep one's self sober; sleep oneself sober (после пьянки); sleep it off ("You'd better come in and sleep it off," he said in a weary sort of way. "Can you walk?" (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver); sleep off a binge (протрезвиться после запоя Рина Грант)
Gruzovik, inf. sleep off one's drunkenness
inf. sleep it off; have a good sleep; sleep off drunkenness
Makarov. sleep off (после попойки); sleep off a hangover (после попойки); sleep oneself sober (после пьянки, выпивки)
slang, Makarov. crash (после приёма наркотика)
: 78 phrases in 6 subjects