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gen. come over (joyand); come on like (Alex_No_Chat); come off as (He's really just shy, but he comes off as a little arrogant. [=he seems a little arrogant] vogeler); come off as (to appear, to give the impression of (You shouldn't wear that hat, it'll make you come off as a snob) fluent); put over; prepossess (обыкн. благоприятное); come out strong; project oneself (13.05); come across as (He comes across as a very sincere person – Он производит впечатление очень искреннего человека Alexander Oshis); come across to (someone – на кого-либо; I don't know how it would come across to me now. VLZ_58); come off (If you can't say anything without coming off like a bubblehead, keep your mouth shut vogeler); bedazzle (Taras); make an impression (на кого-либо); impress; strike; appear; impose; cut (helle); reach (на кого-либо Alex Lilo); ring; have an air (Scorrific); affect; touch; project an image (TVovk)
adv. create impression
amer. go over with (How did the news go over with your parents? VLZ_58); cut a figure; have the vibe (He had the vibe of a straight guy. Val_Ships)
busin. impress on; be impressive; impress (smb, на кого-л.)
context. feel like (чего-либо)
inf. seem (you seemed pretty clueless q3mi4); portray (Rust71)
Makarov. make an impression (on someone / на кого-либо); create an impression; feel; register
media. project image (bigmaxus)
psychol. give the impression (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang come on; come-on; snow under; make waves; gas; take a shine to
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gen. minds are struck (Interex)
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Makarov. come across (as); come over (as)
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gen. appearances напр. to keep up appearances (Tanya Gesse)
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gen. impressively
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Makarov. come out strong
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: 144 phrases in 17 subjects
Aviation medicine1
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Corporate governance1
Mass media4
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