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прожиточный минимумstresses
gen. minimum wage; subsistence rate (Alexander Demidov); safety net (австралийский термин Чумак); cost-of-living allowance; poverty guidelines (vgsankov); poverty level (В данном случае "уровень бедности" – ложный друг переводчика (правильно: poverty rate): The unemployment rate for blacks in St. Louis County in 2012 was more than 10 percentage points higher than that of whites; more than one in five black residents lived below the poverty level. // The government's definition of poverty is based on total income received. For example, the poverty level for 2014 was set at $23,850 (total yearly income) for a family of four. 4uzhoj); poverty limit (The poverty threshold, poverty limit or poverty line is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country Bullfinch); poverty threshold (The poverty threshold, poverty limit or poverty line is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country Bullfinch); poverty rate (Andy)
busin. subsistence expenses
construct. living wage
EBRD minimum subsistence level; poverty line (At the turn of the millennium, 40 percent of the Russian people were living below the United Nations-defined poverty line. NYT Alexander Demidov)
econ. minimum of subsistence; subsistence line; subsistence minimum; minimum cost of living; minimum cost of subsistence; minimum level of subsistence; subsistence level (subsistence level (also subsistence wage)noun a standard of living (or wage) that provides only the bare necessities of life. NOED Alexander Demidov); minimum standard of living (kosynziana)
ed. subsidence minimum
fin. mining works
IMF. subsistence income
Makarov. poverty datum line; см. тж. минимальный размер оплаты труда (в разговорной речи эти два понятия часто смешивают); the cost of living
SAP. minimum living wage; subsistence wage
stat. minimum needs of subsistence
tax. minimum income level for survival (dimock)
transp. living wages
 Russian thesaurus
прожиточный минимум
gen. стоимостная оценка суммарного потребления человека или семьи, определяемая на основе минимальной потребительской корзины. Такие "корзины" отражают структуру потребления и расходы малоимущих слоев населения и строятся на базе т. н. минимальных норм. Прожиточный минимум зависит от уровня социально-экономического развития страны. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
прожиточный минимум
: 84 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
International Monetary Fund1
Mass media1
Trade unions1
Welfare & Social Security2