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gen. trick; prank; trickery; rig; pliskie; wantonness
| сутью
gen. essence
| которой является
 который является
gen. being
| тайная
gen. secret
| кража
gen. theft
| женского нижнего белья
 женское нижнее бельё
gen. combies

to phrases
проделка nstresses
gen. trick; prank; trickery; rig; pliskie; wantonness; escapade; devilment; wheeze; fetch; hocus-pocus; artifice (bigmaxus); handiwork (Lingvoman); caper; dodge; goof; jig; sleight of hand (Elvi); feat; manage; management; sport; stratagem
Игорь Миг stunt
Gruzovik, obs. breaching; making an aperture; hole; opening
humor. devilry
inf., obs. breaching; hole; making an aperture; opening
Makarov. device
mil. manoeuvre
mil., uncom. sally
obs. managery
scottish plisky
slang rig-out
проделки n
gen. hanky-panky; acrobatics; antic (Tink); hankey pankey; capers; mischief (ИВГ); chicanery (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг stunts; nefarious activities (конт.)
amer. monkeyshines (Anglophile)
disappr. handiwork (Patrons at a pub in Wales were understandably shaken when a pint glass on their table suddenly exploded and the proprietors of the establishment suspect that it could have been the handiwork of the building's resident ghost. The spooky scene was reportedly captured by a security camera at the Coniston Tavern in the community of Nuneaton. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
inf. shenanigans; hankey-pankey
inf., amer. monkey business (Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room. • The new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges. Taras)
obs. reaks
slang hi-jinks; high jinks
проделка: 76 phrases in 10 subjects
Obsolete / dated3
School terminology1
Security systems2