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gen. banish; boo; bo; chase; dismiss; shoo; hunt away; kick away (часто с позором); send away; pack off; send flying; send off; send someone packing; turn somebody out of doors; hunt; send to the right-about; give a kiss-off (кого-либо); send someone packing (кого-либо); send to the right-about (кого-либо); hiss (шиканьем, свистом и т. п. тж. hiss away, hiss down, hiss off, hiss out); send about his business (кого-либо); send off with a flea in his ear (кого-либо); send about his business; send about his business (вытурить, кого-либо); send rightabouts; send somebody about his business (Anglophile); show the door (Alex Lilo); hiss away (со сцены и т.п.); hiss down (со сцены и т.п.); hiss off (со сцены и т.п.); send right; send rights; whip off; send fleeing (pivoine); chase off (SirReal); kick out; run (through); cast; drive off (VLZ_58); fire; sling out; turn; remove (устранить alikssepia); drift (through); hammer (through) (a nail, etc); turn back; drive out (to cause or force someone to leave); send on one's way (Taras); send somebody packing (кого-либо); get away; order away; order off; send one packing (кого-л.); put away; put by; thrust away; drive (animals); chase away
Gruzovik chase away; drive through (pf of прогонять); run through (pf of прогонять)
Игорь Миг beat aside; fend off; kick off
fig. elbow
fig., inf. dispel
idiom. send someone away with a flea in their ear (кого-либо); show some the door (z484z)
inf. give it a run (give something a run; проверить работоспособность на практике Баян); drift (through); hammer (through); hunt for a certain time; rush by; speed by; zoom by; send off packing (VLZ_58); shoo away (cambridge.org ZakharovStepan); give the bum's rush (george serebryakov); chase (резьбу; a thread Val_Ships); send smb. packing (кого́-л.)
Makarov. send to the rightabouts (что-то не гуглится данный перевод omsksp); drive away; chase away (тревоги, страхи и т. п.); cut the painter; hiss away (шиканьем, свистом и т. п.); hiss down (шиканьем, свистом и т. п.); hiss off (шиканьем, свистом и т. п.); hiss out (шиканьем, свистом и т. п.); kick away; kiss off; see someone about his business (кого-либо); send to the rightabouts; toss out; turn someone away; turn out; turn someone out of doors (кого-либо)
police.jarg. run (данные по по базе, например 4uzhoj)
relig. ward off (Sinclair described a mystical encounter with Archangel Michael during his spiritual journey. Through meditation, he experienced a dark entity that was warded off by a powerful angelic figure wielding a sword, whom he later identified as Archangel Michael. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
slang gate
slang, Makarov. give someone the wind (кого-либо)
: 111 phrases in 11 subjects
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