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verb | verb | to phrases
проглядываться vstresses
gen. glance; look; look through; miss; overlook; scan; skim through; be perceptible
Gruzovik become visible; be perceptible
проглядывать v
gen. peep out; appear; browse; peer; look through; pip (Pippy-Longstocking); make one's appearance; come out; glance; look; scan; show (up, through); skim through; measure; crop up (Artjaazz); peep (о солнце); be perceptible; dip; break through (о солнце lexicographer); show through (из-под чего-то: The paint was peeled and the siding showed through iron-gray. 4uzhoj); overlook; look over; strike through
Gruzovik miss (impf of проглядеть); glance through (impf of проглядеть); skim through (impf of проглядеть); scan (impf of проглядеть); look at for a certain time (impf of проглядеть); show up/through (impf of проглянуть); come out (impf of проглянуть); be perceptible (impf of проглянуть)
Игорь Миг be on the horizon (об угрозе)
inf. peek; skim; come partly into view; peep
libr. skip
Makarov. look through something; browse among; browse through; dip in; dip into
paint., amer. grin
проглядывает v
gen. crop up (Artjaazz)
: 13 phrases in 3 subjects