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gen. instigate; call someone's bluff; dare; incite; cause; foment
law invite
Makarov. draw
| озабоченность
gen. concernment

verb | verb | to phrases
провоцировать vstresses
gen. instigate; call someone's bluff; dare (Ваня.В); incite (Notburga); cause (weird); foment (Pippy-Longstocking); give rise to (essence); aggress; engineer; call someone's bluff (на что-либо); bring on (bookworm); induce (Юрий Гомон); work (в наст. время преим. work up); lure (essence); coax into (на что-либо; Trolling is where a user tries to coax other users into flaming. sankozh); get someone's goat (VLZ_58); bait (VLZ_58); goad (VLZ_58); taunt (VLZ_58); pick a fight (VLZ_58); get a rise out of (someone VLZ_58); get riled (get someone riled VLZ_58); spark (Abysslooker); bring about (weird); crop off (The revolution was cropped off by the assassination of the state governor. Irina Sorochinskaya); whet (levmoris); gore one's ox; drive into (определенное поведение Ремедиос_П); provoke
Gruzovik provoke
Игорь Миг call someone's bluff; get a reaction out of (the annoying guy sitting next to you at a dinner party who keeps trying to get a reaction out of you – the evening’s провокатор – might be a trouble-maker, a mischief-maker, or an obnoxious tease. MBerdy); pick fights (Fido picks fights)
fig. stoke (Abysslooker)
foundr. wind up (VLZ_58)
idiom. egg somebody on (Interex)
inf. start in with (Баян); push someone's buttons (chronik); push somebody's buttons (Andy)
jarg. tilt (Usually a term in video games (though it can really be used in any activity or hobby), tilt is an emotional state when doing the exact same thing activity over and over produces negative results. It's an emotional breakdown and fustration of your hard work not resulting in the success that you crave so desperately. When you or someone is in a tilt state of mind, the best thing to do is take a break from that activity and try not to think about it as much. Sphex)
law invite
Makarov. draw; trigger; work up; call bluff (на что-либо); heap up; incite to; throw red meat to (someone – кого-либо); whip up; encourage (болезнь)
med. promote; predispose; encourage; precipitate (явление, феномен, реакцию inspirado)
physiol. evoke (igisheva)
slang pack (первым нанеся оскорбление plushkina)
провоцироваться v
gen. bring about; cause; induce; provoke
провоцировать: 175 phrases in 20 subjects
Figure of speech1
Mass media15
Political economy1
Security systems1
Veterinary medicine1