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gen. steal; make ones way; wade; corkscrew; edge; insinuate
| по
gen. unto
| грязи
gen. mud

verb | verb | to phrases
пробираться vstresses
gen. steal (into or through); make ones way; wade (по грязи, снегу и т. п.); corkscrew; edge; insinuate; wriggle; wriggle along; scamble; needle; scrabble; scramble; worm; find one's way; beat one's way; cut way; hustle (through, into, out of); elbow (через толпу); pierce; work to; work the way up (Lascutik); trudge on (Aly19); manoeuvre; ease (Ant493); make one's way; trudge (ekirillo); force way; make; work way (toward); bore (сквозь толпу, заграждения); maneuver; negotiate (через что-либо: However, if Russia were to focus on the Belarusian border as its entry point to Ukraine, the route would be fraught with difficulties. Russian soldiers would have to negotiate the Pinsk Marshes, also known as the Pripet Marshes, one of Europe's largest wetlands cnn.com); slog; thread; wade through (по грязи, снегу и т. п.); prowl (к добыче); work; sneak in; work one's way forward (Andrey Truhachev); squeeze (Sergei Aprelikov); edge through (to edge one's way through a crowd – пробираться сквозь толпу Taras); work one's way (He realized he was going to need his flashlight as he worked his way down the aisles. • I was threading through the town, working my way back to the highway. 4uzhoj); make one’s way; sneak; pick one's steps
Gruzovik make one's way toward; force one's way toward (impf of пробраться); make one's way through (impf of пробраться); sneak in (impf of пробраться)
biol. skulk
fig. scrape
inf. sniggle; penetrate; rate; reprimand; scold; take to task; wiggle; overcome; part (one's hair)
inf., agric. clear; weed
inf., fig. seize; overwhelm
Makarov. cut one's way; beat one's way; elbow one's way (работая локтями); hustle into; hustle out of; hustle through; insinuate into; nose one's way; pick one's steps (с осторожностью); pick one's way; wade across (по грязи, снегу); wade through (по грязи, снегу); worm into; thread one's way
scottish wear (куда-либо)
uncom. cruise (Сергій Саржевський)
пробирать v
gen. scold; blow up; upbraid; tick; check; thrill; snub; shiver (о холоде, ветре и т. п. Abysslooker)
Gruzovik rate (impf of пробрать); take to task (impf of пробрать); reprimand (impf of пробрать)
Игорь Миг nag; berate
amer., slang eat out (кого-либо)
fig. kick ass (об эмоции, впечатлении и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, agric. weed (impf of пробрать); clear (impf of пробрать)
Gruzovik, fig. overcome (impf of пробрать); seize (impf of пробрать); overwhelm (impf of пробрать)
Gruzovik, inf. part one's hair (impf of пробрать); penetrate
idiom. call someone on the carpet (кого-либо Bobrovska); have someone on the carpet (кого-либо Bobrovska); walk the carpet (кого-либо Bobrovska)
inf. of cold penetrate; of fear seize; bawl out; rate; take to task; overcome; part (one's hair)
inf., agric. clear; weed
inf., fig. seize
Makarov., inf. tick off
textile reach (нить); tie
: 160 phrases in 13 subjects
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Textile industry4
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