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verb | verb | to phrases
притесняющий prtc.stresses
relig. afflicting; vexing
притеснять v
gen. aggrieve; crush; fleece; hold one's nose to the grindle-stone (кого-л.); hold one's nose to the grindstone (кого-л.); grip; lift up the hand; overbear; overpress; press; screw; gripe; tread under foot; shaft; tread; tread on the neck of; set foot on neck (угнетать, кого-либо); hoof (Aly19); suffocate (Notburga); clamp down; engage in harassment; crowd (Olga251274); keep down; persecute (driven); abridge a freedom; abridge freedom; oppress; push; jostle (MargeWebley); maltreat (Andrey Truhachev); mistreat (Andrey Truhachev); grind
Gruzovik keep down (impf of притеснить)
Игорь Миг ostracise; go after
amer. oppress (Maggie); harass (Maggie); pressure (Maggie); repress (Maggie); trample (Maggie); tyrannize (Maggie)
ed. distress
inf. kick around (He's been kicked around, ignored, and abused all his life. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. constrict; trample under foot; curtail a freedom; curtail freedom; give no chance; set one's foot on someone's neck (кого-либо); tread on the neck of someone/ (кого-либо); squeeze
obs. grype
relig. afflict; vex
притесняемый prtc.
gen. coercible
polit. aggrieved (Alex_Odeychuk); oppressed (Alex_Odeychuk); suffocated (Alex_Odeychuk)
relig. afflicted
притесняться v
gen. keep down; oppress
: 24 phrases in 5 subjects
Obsolete / dated1