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gen. put to shame
gen. ashamed
gen. ashamed; shamed; confounded
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Makarov. lower head

verb | adjective | to phrases
пристыдить vstresses
gen. put to shame; discountenance; make ashamed (кого-либо); affront; chasten (to make sb feel sorry for what they've done matchin); make ashamed of; put to the blush; bring to shame; abash; bash; shame; put smb. to shame (кого́-л.); make sb. feel guilty ("Vagrants come and buzz into our building and just squat and police just tell me to not call them unless they’re threatening your life. There’s elderly females living in the unit right where he's sleeping in front of. Cops came and tried to make me feel guilty. They’ve been harrassing Vancouver residents for a while and cops refuse to do anything!" "So mostly just like the rest of the country -- lawlessness and double standards for the law." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik shame; make ashamed of (pf of пристыжать)
Gruzovik, inf. discredit (pf of стыдить); disgrace (pf of стыдить); defame (pf of стыдить)
inf. show up (chronik); discredit; disgrace; defame; make feel bad (SirReal)
Makarov. awaken to a sense of shame (кого-либо)
пристыжённый adj.
gen. hang-dog; hangdog (о выражении лица); small; abashed
Gruzovik ashamed; shamed
пристыженный adj.
gen. ashamed; shamed; confounded
пристыжен adj.
gen. ashamed
пристыжено: 35 phrases in 4 subjects