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verb | verb | to phrases
пристраивать vstresses
gen. add on (to); provide; build out; add to (a building); build on (to); fasten (to); rehome (homeless domestic animals Sergei Aprelikov); add on (To the rear is a large dining room – added on early this century. CCB. We're going to add on a new garage. The phrase add on to is also written as add onto. We're adding a new garage onto our house. MWALD Alexander Demidov); ensconce (Ремедиос_П); settle; place
Gruzovik attach to (impf of пристроить); attach to (impf of пристроить); fasten to (impf of пристроить); build on to a building (impf of пристроить); add to a building (impf of пристроить)
comp. append; attach
Gruzovik, construct. add (build on)
Gruzovik, inf. establish (impf of пристроить); fix up (impf of пристроить)
Gruzovik, mil. join up with (impf of пристроить); form up with (impf of пристроить)
inf. find a job for; fix up; establish
Makarov. throw out
mil. form up (with)
tech. build on; enlarge; extend; join up
пристраиваться v
gen. add to (a building); attach (to); build on (to); fasten (to); find a job; find employment; ensconce oneself (Ремедиос_П); join
Gruzovik find a job (impf of пристроиться); find employment (impf of пристроиться)
Gruzovik, avia. take up formation with (impf of пристроиться)
Gruzovik, inf. get a place (impf of пристроиться); be placed (impf of пристроиться); be settled (impf of пристроиться); be fixed up (impf of пристроиться)
Gruzovik, mil. join up with (impf of пристроиться); form up with (impf of пристроиться)
inf. fix up; be fixed up; be placed; be settled; establish; settle; perch; get a job; get into formation (with к, with)
mil. form up (with); join up (with)
mil., avia. take up formation (with)
пристраиваемый prtc.
automat. add-on
пристраиваться: 15 phrases in 7 subjects
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