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to phrases
призванный на военную службуstresses
gen. conscript; conscreptee (noun I. Havkin)
amer. selectee
mil. called to arms; draftee; conscriptee
mil., avia. inducted
призвать на военную службу
gen. call in; call up for military service; draft
amer. induct
Gruzovik, mil. conscript; call up
Makarov. call up
mil. call to arms; call to active duty (из запаса: Air Force Reserve units and members are subject to immediate call to active duty in mobilization to meet a national emergency. 4uzhoj); call up for military service (Andrey Truhachev)
призван на военную службу
gen. has been called up for military service (ABelonogov)
призванный на военную службу
: 21 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1