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gen. here we are
gen. come down; come over; come up; be along; show up
amer. get round
inf. hop
Makarov. be over; make it
| домой
gen. home

to phrases
приехать vstresses
gen. come down; come over; come up; be along; show up (Many diners are now showing up without reservations, and the problem is the restaurants don't know how much food to cook and keep on hand. – приезжают, не заказав заранее столик, и персонал не знает, сколько блюд нужно готовить и держать наготове ART Vancouver); come (she has just come from London – она только что приехала из Лондона); arrive; arrive at (куда-л., на станцию, в больницу, в гостиницу и т.п.); arrive in (куда-л., в город, страну, порт и т.п.)
Gruzovik arrive
amer. get round
inf. hop (на короткое время); be screwed (Ну, всё. Приехали. Well, that's it. We're screwed now.; дойти до ручки, крайности, последнего рубежа to use up all one's resources; or fucked табу.); be back in town (I'm not back in town until the 15th. • When you're back in town, give me a call. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. be over (издалека); make it
Makarov., inf. hop to (на короткое время)
slang drag in
transp. get in (arrive Andrey Truhachev)
приехали! v
inf. good night! (выражение удивления, недовольства или гнева); Wake up!
rhetor. but here we are! (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang Good God! (выражение удивления, недовольства или гнева)
приехали v
gen. here we are (SpadesQueen)
brit., mean.1 that's done it (‘Uh oh, that's done it,’ he said. ‘We've got to get off this ship ASAP!’ • ‘That's done it!’ said a growl from the crackling intercom system. ‘Our energy transfer unit just had a stroke.’)
tat. game over (tatar word "kildek/kijldik" (we have came) used since ancient times in this meaning when e.g. the horse became tired or cart wheel broke millatce)
приехав v
gen. upon arriving (Upon arriving back home that evening, I studied the documents. ART Vancouver); on arriving (On arriving in L.A. after college, Bochco wrote for several series at Universal Studios. ART Vancouver)
 Russian thesaurus
приехать см. v
gen. приезжать (z484z)
: 372 phrases in 17 subjects
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