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verb | verb | to phrases
привязаться vstresses
gen. intrude; cavil; leech; fix affections upon (к кому-либо); set affections upon (к кому-либо); get attached (к человеку q3mi4); freeze to; take a shine to; molest; fasten (to); tether; attach (to); become fond (of); fix; locate; lock on (to a reference point); tie (to); tie in; run after; bind (to); bond (к кому-либо, чему-либо); be attached; be attached (to someone – к кому-либо); cotton (I don't cotton to him at all – он мне совсем не по душе); become attached (to)
Gruzovik become attached to (pf of привязываться); become fond of (pf of привязываться); lock on to a reference point (pf of привязываться)
amer. glom on (in this context, to attach oneself to something Liv Bliss)
fig. haunt (о назойливом мотиве)
Gruzovik, inf. attach oneself to (pf of привязываться); tag along (pf of привязываться); start following (pf of привязываться); bother (pf of привязываться); pester (pf of привязываться); badger (pf of привязываться); find fault with (pf of привязываться); of illness be communicated (pf of привязываться); of illness be transmitted (pf of привязываться)
inf. badger; attach oneself (to); bother; find fault (with); pester; start following; tag along; be communicated; be transmitted
Makarov. fix one's affections upon (someone – к кому-либо); set one's affections upon (someone – к кому-либо); conceive an affection for (к кому-либо); take a fancy for (к кому-либо); take a fancy to (к кому-либо); cotton to; freeze on (к кому-либо); freeze onto something (к чему-либо); freeze to something (к чему-либо); become attached (to; к); fasten on; fasten upon; form an attachment for; get attached (to; к); cotton
привязать v
gen. bind (to); tie (to); win over; attach (to); bend; chain; tether (пасущееся животное); make fast; rope on to (что-либо, к чему-либо); connect (bookworm); fasten; tie down; fix; locate; hitch; lash (к); pinion; span; string; tie up (собаку); tie to (что-либо, к чему-либо); reconnect (что-либо к чему-либо Vladimir)
Gruzovik fix (pf of привязывать); locate (pf of привязывать); tie in (pf of привязывать); tie to (pf of привязывать)
comp. associate; join
comp., MS anchor (To manipulate an interface element, such as a toolbar, so that it maintains the relative position to the anchored edges, when the display orientation or size changes); bind (To connect a control to a field or group in the data source so that data entered into the control is saved to the corresponding field or group. When a control is unbound, it is not connected to a field or group, and data entered into the control is not saved)
geophys. tieback string (данные инклинометрии к базисной точке)
Makarov. bind to; tie on
nautic. lash
O&G. tech. tie in; fix by survey; control by survey
sail. tie
to привязаться v
inf. cotton
: 166 phrases in 23 subjects
Electrical engineering1
Foreign exchange market1
Information technology2
International Monetary Fund1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas5